f i f t y - e i g h t

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    "I don't get it."


    "He didn't smile once the entire time we were talking."

Jeongguk looks at Namjoon and Taehyung from where he and Seokjin are standing in the kitchen. After receiving the call that Taehyung wanted to speak to him Namjoon rushed right over. The two have been talking for over an hour now and Taehyung's entire demeanor was different.

    "Namjoon's his best friend." Jeongguk shrugs before going to sit down, focusing on his laptop.

    "He's my friend too though," Seokjin says looking at the two once more before following him. "I want him to open up to me."

    "He'll come around." The ravenette says optimistically. Taehyung had barely spoken to him either since he's been back, he wasn't taking it as personal as Seokjin.

    "Has he talked to you about Joohyuk?" Seokjin asks sitting across from Jeongguk.

    "Not really." He shrugs. "I asked about him but he wasn't open about what happened. He just isn't ready."

Seokjin nods, he knew that Taehyung would open up when he was ready.

    "You're ridiculous." Taehyung laughs at Namjoon. "Does he know?"

    "No, he thinks Saebin's the only one that knows." The older chuckles. "He's never going to expect it."

    "That's going to be great. He's gonna love that." The brunette smiles. "You're so thoughtful, hyung."

    "I try to be." Namjoon nods with a smile. "I really do want to do everything right. Especially for Saebin, y'know."

    "I get it," Taehyung says. "Is he excited about the baby?"

    "I think so. He keeps saying he'd rather get a dog but I think he'll feel differently when the baby is here." The older says. "But that's enough talk about me. I feel like we've been talking about me this entire time. Tell me how you're doing, really. How's the baby?"

    "The baby's fine. The last time I went to the doctor they said everything was normal." Taehyung sighs softly. "I'm not keeping it, so..."

    "No?" Namjoon asks after Taehyung trails off.

    "No. I don't think I can take care of it." The brunette says. "I know it's probably shitty of me~"

    "No, of course not," Namjoon says quickly. "As long as you're one hundred percent sure about your decision then I support it."

    "Everyone keeps saying that but it doesn't feel like they do," Taehyung says glancing off with a sigh.

    "I do support your decision, Tae. It just doesn't seem like you support your decision." Namjoon says honestly. "What do you really want to do?"

    "I don't think I can have this baby, Namjoon~"

    "I didn't ask what you thought, I asked what you wanted."

Taehyung sighs, looking down in thought for a moment. "I don't know...I just don't want to keep it and regret it. What if..."

    "What if what?" Namjoon asks, listening intently to the younger as he continues.

    "What if it looks like him?" Taehyung asks without looking up. "What if it has his eyes...or his smile? What if it reminds me too much of him?"

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