s i x t y - e i g h t

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"I don't get why you're so stressed out. He probably just needs some space."

Jeongguk ignores Jimin as he stares down at his phone. He couldn't stop replaying the look in Taehyung's eyes when he grabbed his arm. He knew he didn't physically hurt him but the action alone hurt. He shouldn't have touched him like that.

    "Are you gonna sulk for the rest of the day?" Jimin asks poking the ravenette's cheek playfully. "Taehyung's just an emotional person, Jeongguk. He's not going to be mad forever~"

    "I never told you that Joohyuk's name was Chiwon." Jeongguk says looking at Jimin. "How'd you know his name, Jimin?"

    "I didn't until Taehyung said it." Jimin shrugs as he climbs on the the stool beside Jeongguk. "And I'm sorry for over stepping earlier, I didn't think he'd get upset."

    "It's a sensitive topic, Jimin. You shouldn't have even brought it up if he didn't." The ravenette sighs. "I wish he'd answer."

    "I'm sorry." Jimin pouts. "I feel really bad."

    "It's fine." Jeongguk says even though it wasn't fine. "It's my fault."

Jimin sighs, leaning closer to Jeongguk and running his fingers through his hair. "He'll come around sooner or later."

Jeongguk nods but he still feels like shit for upsetting the brunette. "I know."

"I wish I could stay but I have work." Jimin says. "You should come to mine for drinks soon."

"I don't drink anymore." Jeongguk says looking at his phone.

"You should still come over." The older chuckles. "We can still have fun."

"Alright." The ravenette says looking up at him. "Thanks for coming, even though it was literally a disaster."

"Thanks for inviting me." Jimin says hopping off his stool. "I'll text you my new address. Are you free Saturday?"

"Yeah. I drop the boys off around noon." Jeongguk says standing as well.

"Come over Saturday night then." The older says before standing up on his toes and kissing the ravenette. "See you, okay?"

"Okay." Jeongguk smiles softly before Jimin shows himself out. He sighs as he tries Taehyung's number again, it goes straight to voicemail.

"Dada~!" Hanjae says crawling into the kitchen. "Dada, dada~"

"Dada's not here." Jeongguk says picking him up. "What do you wanna do?"

"Go," Hanjae says, 'go' was currently his favorite word and he was saying it nonstop.

"Go where?" Jeongguk laughs. "Where do you want to go?"

"Go," The baby repeats as Jeongguk carries him back to the living room.

"I wanna go too." The ravenette sighs as he sits down with Hanjae and Jaehyung. "What do you wanna do, Jae?"

"No," The two year old responds. "No-no, Appa."

Jeongguk sighs, sitting back against the couch as he watches the boys play. His thoughts are completely occupied by Taehyung.

He hated when Taehyung was mad at him.


Taehyung's hands shake slightly as he walks into the hospital. He hadn't been to the hospital since he was in the early part of his fist trimester and this appointment was long overdue.

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now