e i g h t y - s e v e n

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"It's not like I don't want to have sex with him."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm lying to him and I feel guilty about it."

Taehyung sighs as he stuffs another pair of pants into his suitcase. Looking up at Seokjin as he continues.

"I'm not going to Japan for a seminar." He says. "And I'd feel guilty if we had sex while I'm keeping something like this from him."

"Now I'm worried, Taehyung." Seokjin says tilting his head in concern. "What's in Japan if you aren't going to a seminar."

"I already told you, hyung." Taehyung says sipping his suitcase and heaving a sigh. "I just need to get away for a little while."

"You can't get away somewhere in Korea?" Seokjin asks. "I think you're going overboard."

"I have a friend in Japan that I really want to see. I haven't seen him in a while." Taehyung says, he felt even more guilty lying to Seokjin. He had to keep where he was going a secret or Jeongguk would find out easily.

"Fine. But call when you get there, I don't care what time it is." Seokjin says rounding the end of the bed to hug his friend. "Be careful, and stay aware of your surroundings."

"I will, hyung." Taehyung chuckles as he hugs his friend. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, I swear."

"Okay, okay." Seokjin says pulling away. "I think Jeongguk's still busy with Hanjae so tell him I'll see him later."

"I will, love you, hyung." Taehyung smiles.

"Love you too." He says before walking out of the room. "Good night."

Taehyung sighs as he looks over his things one last time. He was going to the Czech Republic to talk to Jimin, but he was telling Jeongguk that he was going to a mandatory seminar that the teachers in his program went to every year.

He couldn't tell anyone where he was going, and that scared him a little, but he had no choice. He needed to confront Jimin.

Jeongguk walks into the room as he's putting his suitcase in the corner. "How'd Jaehyung do?"

    "He didn't really fuss." The ravenette says sitting on the bed with his back to Taehyung. "You finished packing?"

    "Yeah." Taehyung sighs, getting on the bed and crawling over to him. Putting his arms over his shoulders. "Are you okay?"

    "Yeah, I'm okay. Are you okay?" Jeongguk asks looking up at him.

    "Yeah," Taehyung says. "Just a little tired."

    "It's weird that you're flying all the way to Japan just for the weekend." The ravenette says. "Why didn't the school just have to seminar here?"

    "I don't really know." Taehyung says. "They do it every few years though."

    "What are you going to be learning at the seminar?"

    "Just boring teacher stuff. You wouldn't be interested in hearing it. I'm gonna shower real quick."

Jeongguk hums as Taehyung kisses the side of his neck and pulls away. "I'm gonna talk to my mom."

    "Okay, let me know how it goes." The brunette smiles as he walks into the bathroom.

Jeongguk grabs his phone and heads downstairs, dialing his mother's number before bringing it to his ear.


    "Hey, ma."

    "Jeongguk, hi. I didn't know it was you."

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now