t h i r t y - t h r e e

898 57 11

Hours go by before Jeongguk decides to go see what was taking Dr. Song so long. Taehyung haven fallen back to sleep while he waited. Despite trying to fight off his drowsiness.

He walks out of the room and towards the NICU, where he assumes to find someone to talk to about seeing the twins.

When he gets to the room he finds one of the units empty. Hanjae still laying attached to multiple tubes and heart monitors.

He looks around for a nurse. Stopping the first one he sees. "Excuse me."

    "Can I help you?" She asks politely.

"Yeah. I was just wondering where they took my other son. Jaehyung?" Jeongguk says motioning to the room.

The nurse tilts her head in confusion before walking over to the room. "They probably just took him for a few tests."

    "Okay." Jeongguk says following her into the room. Waiting as the nurse looks through the charts.

    "Hm, that's strange." She says turning through the pages. "He's already gotten his final test."

    "You don't know where he is?" Jeongguk asks slightly alarmed.

    "He's in the hospital, of course. I'll go ask Dr. Song, they still may be running a test." The nurse says. "I'll let you know when I can, okay? Don't worry."

    "Okay. Thank you." Jeongguk sighs before the woman leaves the NICU.

He looks at Hanjae when she's gone. Smiling down softly at the small baby. Even though he wished things were different he was glad that the twins were alive. And that there was a chance that they would grow to be normal children.

He leaves the NICU, going back to the room before Taehyung starts to wonder where he went.

"What'd they say?" Taehyung asks as soon as he walks back into the room.

"Soon. They took Jaehyung for a few more tests. Hanjae's still in the NICU." Jeongguk explains taking the seat next to Seokjin.

"Is Hanjae doing better?" The oldest of the bunch asks.

"They didn't tell me." Jeongguk sighs. "They would've told me if anything was wrong though."

"I can't believe they won't let me see my own children." Taehyung says shaking his head. "I feel fine."

"Soon." Jeongguk says. "I'm sorry."

The room door opens and Dr. Song walks into the room with an unreadable expression.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asks when he sees her expression. "What happened?"

"What's going on?" Jeongguk asks standing. "Is everything okay?"

"I would advise you to stay calm. Even though this may be a bit unsettling, the hospital is doing everything they can to locate Jaehyung~"

"What do you mean locate him? You don't know where he is?" Jeongguk asks looking at her with a frustrated expression.

"Security footage shows a woman entering the NICU room and leaving with the baby~"

"What?" Taehyung exclaims, his heart rate monitor going haywire. "What do you mean? Someone took him? Is that what you're telling me?"

"They left with him?" Jeongguk asks in confusion. "What do you mean they left with him?"

"How do you just walk in and take a baby?" Taehyung asks, getting far more worked up than he should be.

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now