t h i r t y - o n e

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Jeongguk puts on a smile as he greets Seokjin and Saebin. Excitedly hugging the six year old before sending him to the living room so he can talk to Seokjin.

"But~" Saebin starts with a pout.

"Ah, go you little monster." Jeongguk says ushering him out of the kitchen. "I'll be there in a little bit."

"You're a monster." Saebin says back, sticking his tongue out at Jeongguk before going to the living room.

Seokjin sighs as he watches him go. Looking at Jeongguk whose smile is long gone as he moves around the kitchen. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing. Taehyung's been puking everywhere for the past two hours. So I'm trying to figure out how to get as many calories in him as possible without making him eat anything." The ravenette says pouring the smoothie he just made into a glass. Looking down at it with a frown. "This looks like shit doesn't it?"

"I'm sure it's high in protein." Seokjin says frowning at the greenish-brown substance in the glass.

Jeongguk sighs sitting the glass down. "What else am I supposed to do? If he eats he'll just puke it back up."

"Try the smoothie. Pregnancy makes you like weird shit." Seokjin shrugs. "Maybe he'll love it."

"Right." Jeongguk sighs leaning forward against the counter. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Right." Seokjin says, suddenly remembering the reason he came over in the first place. "It's about Saebin."

"As you said before." Jeongguk nods for him to continue.

Seokjin reaches into his back pocket and takes out a folded piece of paper. "Look at this."

Jeongguk takes the paper and unfolds it to find a picture that was obviously drawn by Saebin. He frowns at the drawing for a moment before looking at Seokjin with a confused expression. "Okay?"

"Saebin, come here." The older says before waiting for the six year old. Scooping him up into his arms when he comes into the kitchen. "Saebin, who is it in this picture you drew?"

Saebin looks at the picture before pointing out each person in the drawing. "It's me, you, and JK."

"Okay. And why is Jeongguk in the picture?" Seokjin asks looking at his son.

"Because." Saebin says, shrugging it off.

"You said something different earlier." Seokjin says tilting his head. "Tell the truth, why is Jeongguk in the picture."

Saebin pouts as he looks at the drawing. "Because...I don't want Namjoon to be my new daddy. I want JK to be my new daddy."

Jeongguk has to force himself not to react. Looking at Seokjin with slightly widened eyes.

"Thank you. Go back to the living room." The older says putting Saebin down and letting him run off to the living room.

"What the fuck?" Jeongguk mouths at Seokjin throwing his hands up.

"I don't know." He mouths back at him with the same expression.

"What am I supposed to do about that?" Jeongguk asks out loud, keeping his voice below a whisper. "You're his dad, you should talk to him."

"I tried. He won't listen to me." Seokjin says. "He'll hear it better from you."

"Hear what? What do you want me to say? 'Sorry, Saebin, I can't be your new dad.'" Jeongguk asks with wide eyes. "What kind of shit is that?"

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