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Taehyung groans in frustration as he pulls his shirt over his head. Tossing it into the pile of shirts that also failed to conceal his small bump.

    "This can't be happening." The brunette whines as he grabs another shirt from his closet. Pulling it over his head as he walks back over to his mirror.

He turns to the side and he huffs in defeat as his bump peaks through the sweatshirt.

    "Namjoon!" He calls as he marches over to the older's room. Barely knocking as he walks in. "I'm having a crisis."

Namjoon lifts his head, his eyes half shut as he's startled awake. "Huh?"

    "I don't look right in any of my clothes." Taehyung says throwing his hands up. "I have to be to work in twenty minutes."

    "What...what's wrong with what you have on?" Namjoon asks, still trying to be helpful in his state of semi-consciousness.

    "My stomach is way too noticeable. Look." The brunette says turning to the side. "I tried on almost every shirt I own."

    "Tae, I literally can't even see your bump." The older says dropping his head back onto his pillow. "You look fine."

    "Do you think so?" Taehyung asks walking over to the mirror hanging on Namjoon's bathroom door. "I don't want to get any looks from the customers. Or Seungho, I haven't even told him yet."

    "Tae, you're twelve weeks pregnant with twins. You can't hide it forever." Namjoon mumbles.

    "So I do look pregnant in this?" The brunette exclaims. "Namjoon, why would you lie to me?"

    "Oh my god." Namjoon sighs as he pushes himself up out of bed. "I'll give you one of my jackets, alright? No one's going to be able to tell."

Taehyung pouts as he turns in the mirror. "I thought I had more time."

    "You look fine, Tae." The older says as he emerges from the closet with one of his oversized jackets. "You can hardly tell. And even if it was obvious it's nobody's business what you have going on."

    "Thank you." The younger says gratefully as he takes the jacket. Shrugging it on over the sweatshirt he was already wearing.

    "Mhm." Namjoon hums as he crawls back in bed. "Eat before you leave, please?"

    "Yeah, I'll grab something on my way out." Taehyung says walking out of the room. "See you tonight, Joon!"

It was nearing the end of Taehyung's second week back at work, and it was proving to be harder than he anticipated.

He thought that he was prepared to work and focus on his studies while juggling the challenges of his first trimester. But he was so wrong.

The first week back at work was fine, he was happy to be back doing something that felt semi normal. But whenever the nausea hit or he woke up feeling like he had been hit by a bus it made each day harder and longer.

Today was no different. Though he hadn't gotten sick when he woke up, he knew it was coming.

His phone rings as he drives to work, Jeongguk's number popping. "Yes, Jeongguk?"

    "Taehyung, do you know what today is?" The older says sounding wide awake, and unusually happy.

    "Um...no? What's today?" Taehyung asks in confusion. Jeongguk usually calls in the morning but never with this much excitement in his voice.

    "It's the last day of our first trimester." Jeongguk states cheerfully. "That means we can find out the genders of our plums, Tae!"

    "I thought we agreed to wait until they were born." The brunette says laughing at the way Jeongguk refers to the babies. It was week twelve and the babies should be the size of a plum if they reached their milestone. Which they should find out at their next appointment.

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