s i x t y - o n e

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"I'm glad you could come today."

"I was surprised you invited me."

Jeongguk chuckles as he picks Hanjae up. He showed up at the house Sunday morning asking if Taehyung wanted to go to the park with the twins. He mostly wanted to give him a chance to get out of the house.

"I figured it could be nice to go together." The ravenette says. "Jae, hold dada's hand."

Taehyung smiles softly when Jaehyung immediately reaches for his hand. "We haven't done this since they were really little."

"Right. I'm glad you could come." Jeongguk says putting Hanjae down to grab the bag out of the trunk. "I really missed you."

    "I missed you guys too." Taehyung says grabbing Hanjae before he runs off. "He's not gonna cooperate, Gguk."

    "I got him." Jeongguk says taking his hand. "Did you have tutoring today?"

    "Not on weekends." Taehyung says as they head to the toddler area of the park.

    "We should make this a regular thing then." Jeongguk says stopping to let Hanjae step up onto the curb. "So we can spend time with them together."

    "Yeah." Taehyung says, Jeongguk's comment reminding him of their custody agreement. "Did you end up having to go to court to fix the custody agreement?"

    "Not right away. When I showed up to the next meeting with the twins the judge had to sign custody over to me." Jeongguk explains. "I'm supposed to call and schedule a follow up. Since you're back you can come with me and we can switch it back to joint custody if you want. It doesn't matter to me, you know you can see them whenever you want~"

"Jeongguk," Taehyung chuckles. "It's fine, we don't have to talk about it now."

"We'll talk about it later." Jeongguk says as they stop in a good spot to set up. "Here should be fine."

Taehyung holds the twins' hands as Jeongguk spreads the blanket out. They were still too little to play on the playground equipment so they mostly stayed close and played with their toys.

"Hanjae doesn't really like to run around so he'll probably stay with you the whole time." Jeongguk says before pointing at Jaehyung. "It's him you have to worry about. He's a little monster."

"Alright." Taehyung smiles as he carefully sits down on the blanket.

"Dada?" Hanjae whines, reaching for Taehyung with a pout.

"Yes, baby?" The brunette says holding his arms out for him.

"No, Jaehyung." Jeongguk says grabbing Taehyung's attention. Jaehyung whines when Jeongguk takes the sippy cup he was holding. "You drank all your juice already. Do you want water?"

"Sippy!" Jaehyung cries, clinging onto Jeongguk's shirt.

"Nope." The ravenette says, completely unfazed by Jaehyung's antics. The one year old cries louder when Jeongguk doesn't act immediately. "You're breaking my heart, Jae." He says sarcastically as he hands Taehyung a book for Hanjae.

"Just fill the sippy cup with water." Taehyung says taking the book. "He just wants the cup."

"My mom told me not to reward bad behavior." Jeongguk says looking up from where he was rummaging through the diaper bag.

"You aren't, it's still water it's just in his cup." Taehyung says sitting Hanjae down between his legs with his book. "He's going to tire himself out crying like that."

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