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    "Can you guys please not make a huge deal out of this?"

    "Who's making a huge deal?"

Taehyung pouts at his friends as they all sit in the living with intimidating looks on their faces. Jeongguk was coming over to finally meet his friends after putting it off for two whole weeks, and his friends weren't being nice about it.

    "I just think that when a guy avoids meeting people that their significant other is close to~" Hoseok starts, only for Taehyung to quickly cut in.

    "I've already told you, we are co-parenting for the babies. He isn't my significant other and I'm not his." The youngest of the crowd groans in annoyance.

    "It sounds like he's hiding something." Hoseok finishes. "Jimin thinks so too, he's just trying to side with Namjoon."

Jimin glares at Hoseok as he gets a look from Namjoon. "I am not, Hobi. And you only think that because Yoongi thinks that."

    "Yeah, and he thinks I'm right," Yoongi says as Hoseok puts his arm around him. "It's all a little suspicious to me."

    "Well, I think that it's up to Taehyung to judge Jeongguk. Not us." Namjoon speaks up. "And if he trusts him then we should too."

    "Thank you, Namjoon." Taehyung huffs, rolling his eyes a little. "All I'm asking is that everyone keeps their opinions to themselves for a couple of hours while he's here. He's really nervous~"

    "Sus," Yoongi mumbles as he pretends to clean a smudge from his glass, earning a glare from Taehyung.

    "He's nervous and I don't want you assholes making it harder on him." The brunette finishes, looking at each of his friends individually for a moment. "Okay?"

    "Alright. We'll wear our charm, Taehyungie." Jimin smiles. "I can't wait to meet the guy."

Taehyung sighs as his phone pings. "Okay, he's here. I'm gonna go down and get him."

    "We'll be waiting." Hoseok smiles as Taehyung leaves, waiting until the door closes to drop his smile. "I don't know about this guy."

    "Shut up and drink, Hobi," Namjoon says rolling his eyes.

Taehyung walks downstairs to get Jeongguk, pursing his lips when he sees the older getting out of the car blowing smoke past his lips. "You said you were quitting."

    "I said I was trying. And I am." The ravenette says closing his door as he runs his fingers through his unkempt hair. "I only smoke when you stress me the hell out."

    "Screw you. I gave you an entire two weeks to get your shit together to meet my friends." Taehyung says looking over the ravanette's outfit to be sure he was presentable. "Why'd you wear that shirt? And since when do you have a piercing in your lip too?"

    "Shit, I forgot to take it out." Jeongguk says bringing his hand to the piercing. "And I'm confused about what you have against my shirts. How much more basic can I fucking get?"

    "You should've worn something with sleeves." The brunette says taking Jeongguk's hand away from the piercing. "Just leave it. Come on."

    "Are you really that worried about what they think of me?" The ravanette asks as Taehyung drags him along. "If they don't like me are you gonna dump me?"

    "No, because we aren't dating." Taehyung says with an aggravated eye roll. "I just want you guys to like each other."

    "Is that Namjoon guy gonna be there?" Jeongguk asks with a smug grin, knowing the question is going to set the younger off.

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