f i f t y - n i n e

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    "This is just...really unexpected, that's all."

    "Yeah, I know."

Taehyung fidgets nervously, adjusting his hoodie as he sits down across from his parents on the couch opposite of them. The last thing Taehyung wanted to do was ask his parents for help, but it would be easier coming from them rather from Jeongguk.

    "Where have you been? Jeongguk's been having to leave the twins with us on the weekends." His mother says with a stern expression, her arms crossed as she waits for a response.

    "Yeah, I-I'm sorry~"

    "Of course we don't mind keeping the boys." Mr. Kim says before speaking to Taehyung. Unlike his wife, his expression isn't hard or upset in any way, mostly just concerned. "What happened, Taehyung? What's going on with you?"

    "It's hard to explain." The brunette says honestly. "I'm r-really sorry, I know I disappeared out of nowhere~"

    "You're pregnant? Again?" Mrs. Kim asks with a hint of disapproval in her tone.

    "It's a long story, mom." Taehyung says, his hands are wet with sweat as he tries to figure out what it is he was trying to say.

    "Let him explain." Mr. Kim says holding his hand up before Mrs. Kim continues.

    "I just...I got myself into some trouble." The brunette starts nervously. "I was in a really bad relationship and things just...things got really bad."

    "What do you mean 'bad'?" Mr. Kim asks eyeing the exposed bruises on Taehyung's face and neck that were only now starting to fade.

    "It was bad." Taehyung says trying to fix his hoodie to hide his neck. It was embarrassing when people looked at him with such pitiful expressions.

    "It was abusive?" His father asks, his voice laced with caution as his eyes narrowing with confusion.

    "Uhm, y-yeah, it was..." Taehyung says, immediately having to force himself not to cry while talking about it. "I know it seems like I just disappeared but a lot went on that I'm just not ready to talk about."

    "You can't abandon your kids and tell us you don't want to talk about it, Taehyung. That's not fair to anyone." Mrs. Kim asks. "Who was this person? Is this baby his?"

    "Yes, it is~"

    "Well, then you aren't keeping it?" She asks before he can even form a clear thought.

    "I'm not sure yet, mom." He says looking away in shame, he felt guilty for thinking about adoption and for thinking about keeping the baby. It was starting to feel like he had no options. "It kind of depends~"

    "On what?" His mother continues with the same look of confusion and disapproval on her face.

    "Whether or not you guys are willing to help me." Taehyung says, forcing himself to just bring up the conversation rather than stalling. "Just until I can start paying you back. I just need some help getting back on my feet after everything."

    "You aren't teaching anymore?" Mrs. Kim asks, firing question after question before Taehyung could even explain. "What happened with that?"

    "Parents didn't w-want me around their kids while I was pregnant. So I'm on a mandatory leave until I deliver." Taehyung explains. "But I can go back as soon as I have the baby."

    "What are you needing help with?" Mr. Kim asks grabbing his phone from the coffee table.

    "There needs to be boundaries set immediately. This is the third time we've have to pull you out of a hole you created for yourself." Mrs. Kim says stopping her husband. "It's not fair to me or your father for you to continue to take advantage of our generosity."

    "I'm not taking advantage of you, mom. If I didn't have to be here I wouldn't be, alright?" Taehyung says, tears forming in his eyes as he grew more frustrated with his mother. "This last relationship literally took everything from me, everything. I don't have a car, I don't have any place to stay, and he completely drained all of my accounts. I don't even own a pair of shoes for christ sake. Is that what you wanted to hear, mom? Do you want to hear more about my shitty situation?"

    "You can't blame anyone for your situation but yourself." Mrs. Kim says. "You're irresponsible when it comes to every relationship you're in, it never fails. Clearly."

    "Honey, please. Now isn't the time for this." Mr. Kim says before Taehyung can retort. "He's clearly been through a lot."

    "And we haven't been through a lot with him? Having to constantly save his ass?" Mrs. Kim asks. "This isn't who I raised you to be, not at all, Taehyung. And I think you know that."

    "Why can't you just be nice to me?" Taehyung asks, his eyes glossed over with tears. "Do you think this is where I expected myself to be right now? Two years ago I didn't even know I could get pregnant. And it wasn't exactly my plan to have three children at this age. Let alone lose my entire livelihood to an abusive relationship."

    "You don't get to play the victim here, Taehyung." Mrs. Kim says. "You always expect us to be here whenever you need something but you're never here for us."

    "I'm really sorry about that. It's hard when I feel like a burden every time I'm around you. Dad doesn't make me feel like shit over things I can't control, why do you?" Taehyung asks. "It's like I'm not even your son."

    "Please, Taehyung~"

    "Listen to him." Mr. Kim intervenes. "Just let him express himself, hon."

Mrs. Kim falls silent, an unpleasant expression on her face.

    "I wouldn't be here if I really didn't need you guys. And I know it's not the first time this has happened but I can promise you that it will be the last." Taehyung says. "I don't like feeling like I need to depend on anyone for anything. Over the past six months that's all I've been experiencing, but never again. If you can help me until I can get my shit together then I'll figure it out. I swear."

    "Would you stay here?" Mr. Kim asks. "The spare room still has the hideaway sofa in it, until we can fix the room down the hall."

    "That'd be okay. Just until I have the baby and I can start teaching again." Taehyung sighs. "I don't plan on taking advantage of the maternity leave so I'll be able to start in the spring."

    "Are you sure you'll be able to? You don't know how complicated the delivery may be." Mr. Kim asks in concern as he takes note of some things on his phone. "Be honest, don't just say what you think I want to hear."

    "I won't take a maternity leave." Taehyung says positively. "I'll be okay."

    "If you keep the baby then you'll probably need to consider what kind of help you would need for them. Since most daycares don't take newborns." Mr. Kim says. "Does six months sound reasonable to you? You can say no, I just want to make sure we set some kind of cut off to keep you motivated."

    "No, six months would be great." Taehyung nods. "You have no idea how much this is going to help me, dad."

    "That's what we're here for, Taehyung, you know that." Mr. Kim says making a few more notes in his phone. "We'll have to actually sit down and write some things out about the financial part, but let's hold off on that."

    "Are you sure?" Taehyung asks. "I don't mind doing it now."

    "No, it's been months since we've seen each other. Let's have dinner, are you hungry?" Mr. Kim asks standing up. "Your mother was just finishing up when you called. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you joined us."

    "I don't know, dad~"

    "Come eat, Taehyung. Don't overcomplicate things." Mrs. Kim says standing as well and walking to the kitchen. "I'll make up the hideaway for you tonight."

Taehyung stands as well, fidgeting with his sleeves as he bites into his lip. He already hated the atmosphere here, but he knew he had to stick it out until he could do better for himself and his children.

It was only six months after all.

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