f o u r t y - f o u r

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Jeongguk sighs as he walks into his mother's apartment. She was still living on her own after his dad sold the house and that only made him worry more.

He didn't want her in his life but he didn't want her to hurt herself either. Which was why he was checking in on her after months of ignoring her calls and texts. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something horrible happened to her.

She may have sacrificed his life so that her biological child could have a better one, but he still loved her. He loved her so much that he hated himself for it.

"Ma?" He calls as he shuts the door behind himself. "It's Jeongguk, the door was open so I came in."

"Jeongguk?" He hears her voice call from a room down the hallway.

He follows her voice, stopping when he sees her rushing out of one of the bedrooms. A look of disbelief in her eyes as she walks towards him. "You're here, you're actually here."

"Jihyuk said you weren't doing well so I~"

"Oh, Jeongguk." His mother cries as she hugs him. Burying her face in his chest as she squeezes him. "Oh, honey, I missed you. I missed you so much."

Jeongguk sighs as he wraps his arms around his mom. He couldn't deny the fact that he missed his mom. He missed her so much on some days he thought he was going insane. He just hated that someone that seemed so good was associated with something so bad.

"Let me look at you." His mom says taking his face in her hands. Blinking away her tears so that she can get a good look at her son. "You're so thin, Gguk. Are you eating properly?"

"Yeah, ma." Jeongguk says taking her hands in his. "I didn't come here for you to look at me I came here to make sure you were alright."

"I'm fine now that you're here." She says hugging him again. "My sweet, boy. I missed my sweet boy."

"I missed you too." The ravenette admits as he hugs her back. "You have to stop getting sick when I'm gone for a while."

"I can't help it. You're the only reason I have to live, Jeongguk."

    "I'm not always gonna be around, ma."

Mrs. Jeon falls silent, hugging Jeongguk close for a moment before letting go. "I understand. You shouldn't have come today if you're going to disappear again~"


    "It makes it worse. It just makes it harder for me." She says wiping away her tears with trembling hands. "You didn't have to check up on me. I would've been fine."

    "Are you drinking again?" Jeongguk asks out of pure concern and worry for his mom.

    "No, I'm not." She says walking past him to the living room. "You don't have to stay. Sorry I took time out of your day."

    "I came because I was worried about you." Jeongguk says following her. "Jihyuk said you were down in the dumps~"

    "I'm always down in the dumps, Jeongguk. It doesn't mean anything." Mrs. Jeon says grabbing a carton of cigarettes from the coffee table as she sits down on the couch. "Cigarette? Or did you quit?"

    "I quit." Jeongguk says still standing in one spot. Watching his mom light the cigarette with a hint of disapproval in his expression.

    "Good for you." She says taking a drag from the cigarette. "If you came to see if I was still alive I guess you can leave now. Right?"

    "Don't be an asshole." Jeongguk says rolling his eyes in aggravation. "I would've thought you'd be happy to see me. You were up until you realized that I'm not falling for your stupid traps anymore."

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