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    "Hey, Jeongguk."

    "Mr. Kim."

Jeongguk smiles as he walks inside the house with the twins. He was dropping them off for the weekend like he has been for the past few months.

    "How are you doing?" Mr. Kim says as he offers a hand with the diaper bag.

    "Pretty great." Jeongguk chuckles as he puts Jaehyung down while Hanjae still clings to him. "Is Taehyung here?"

    "Yeah, he's upstairs doing some tutoring." Mr. Kim says. "He started that a few days ago, it seems to be working out for him alright."

    "Is it alright if I go up for a second?" Jeongguk asks, prying Hanjae off of himself before sitting him down.

    "Yeah, of course." Mr. Kim nods. "You might want to make sure he's not in the middle of anything before you go in."

    "Alright, thanks." The ravenette says before heading upstairs. He was quite familiar with the house after coming so often to bring the boys.

When he finds the guest room he taps the door lightly as he opens it. He finds the brunette sitting at the desk in the room with a laptop in front of him. "Hey, Tae, you busy?"

Taehyung looks up at the sound of Jeongguk's voice. "Hey, you're here already with the boys?"

    "Yeah, your dad has them." Jeongguk says walking over to him. "What are you up to?"

    "I started online tutoring." Taehyung says gesturing to the laptop. "It doesn't pay as much as actually teaching but it's something."

    "Right. I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy." The ravenette nods. "Are you doing alright? How's the baby?"

    "I'm fine, the baby's fine too." The brunette says. "Where are you headed?"

    "Hm?" Jeongguk hums looking at Taehyung. "Why do you ask?"

    "You just look like you're headed somewhere." Taehyung says looking Jeongguk over for a second. "Unless you just felt like wearing those today."

    "Oh, yeah." Jeongguk chuckles softly as he fidgets with one of his piercings. "I just put them in sometimes so the holes won't close."

    "Right." Taehyung nods. "I meant to ask before, why do you drop the boys off on the weekends? Aren't you off weekends?"

    "Yeah, I am. I just have stuff to take care of." Jeongguk nods, not going into further detail. "Your parents usually don't mind."

    "Hm." Taehyung hums as if he knows something that Jeongguk doesn't. "I guess you better get going, you don't want to be late."

    "Right." The ravenette chuckles. "I'll be back for the boys Sunday night."

    "Okay. Tell your mom I said hi if you see her." Taehyung says turning his attention back to what he was doing.

    "I will." Jeongguk says turning to leave. "Call me if you need me."

Jeongguk sighs as he skips down the stairs, smiling at Mrs. Kim when he sees her. "Hey, Mrs. Kim."

    "Come here, Jeongguk." She says motioning for him to join her in the kitchen.

    "What's up?" He asks when he meets her, leaning against the counter beside her.

    "You spoke with Taehyung just now?" She asks as he prepares her coffee.

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now