f o u r t y - n i n e

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    "You seem a little off today, Taehyung."

Taehyung shakes his head, forcing himself to smile a little at Seokjin. "I'm just tired. That's all." He says waving a dismissive hand. "How are you? Did you talk to Namjoon?"

To say that Taehyung seemed a little off was an understatement, the brunette seems way more than 'a little off.' His eyes were sad and distant as he sat across from Seokjin at the ramen place they were at. His hair disheveled and his outfit thrown together.

Everything about him today was so unlike him.

    "I did, he was way more excited than I expected him to be." Seokjin chuckles softly. "He thinks we should keep it."

"I knew he wouldn't be upset." Taehyung nods, still trying his best to keep a small smile on his face. "You guys are going to do great together as parents."

Seokjin smiles sadly at Taehyung, tilting his head in concern. "What's going on with you, Taehyung? And don't say it's nothing, I can tell it's something."

"Please, hyung, I'm fine. I promise." The brunette says rolling his eyes slightly. "I'm just feeling a little under the weather I guess."

"Oh no, why didn't you say anything?" Seokjin pouts before he starts gathering his things. "Come on, I'll take you home so I can take care of you."

"No!" Taehyung says quickly, his eyes widening as he stops Seokjin. "I-I mean, no come on, hyung. It's the only day we have to ourselves. I'm fine enough to stay."

"Okay, if you say so." The older says setting his keys back on the table with a suspicious look in his eyes. "You're just not yourself today."

"I know, I'll be back to my regular self in no time." Taehyung smiles, but the thought of ever feeling normal again felt so out of reach.

He couldn't explain what he was going through to his friends. He couldn't even explain it to himself. He didn't understand why he felt so violated by what Joohyuk did, especially when he did nothing to stop him. He just laid there and let it happen, even though it felt all wrong. He didn't say 'no', he didn't protest anymore after Joohyuk first ignored him. So why did he feel like he had been taken advantage of?

It's like it was happening all over again, he felt powerless. Somehow even more so than he did when Jaehyung was taken from the hospital, which he was ashamed to admit.

The powerlessness that he thought he was finally going to overcome was suffocating him all over again. To the point where he felt like he couldn't breathe when he was with Joohyuk.

How does he explain that to anyone?

"...so we're going to sit down together and break the news to Saebin." Taehyung hears Seokjin say as he zones back in. "I have a feeling he already suspects that I'm pregnant."

"Really?" Taehyung asks pushing the remainder of his ramen around the bowl, he didn't have much of an appetite.

"Yeah, I've been telling him that we have some exciting news for a few days now. He guessed that we were getting a puppy but I told him it was even better than a puppy." Seokjin chuckles. "I hope he's happy."

"I'm sure he will be. He's obsessed with the twins, he'd love having a baby around the house." Taehyung smiles, his smile quickly dropping when his phone chimes with a message from Joohyuk asking him where he is. "Uhm, I'm sorry to end things so abruptly, hyung. I actually have to get going."

"Okay, I'll take you~"

"No, it's fine. I'll just call a car." Taehyung says standing quickly. "It was nice seeing you, I'm sorry to cut things short."

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