f o u r t y - e i g h t

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    "Inside voices, please. Thank you."

Taehyung smiles as his kids rush around the classroom cleaning up so that they could go home early. Even though today was an early release day they still had to tidy the classroom.

    "Mr. Kim?" One of the girls says walking up to him with a container of disinfectant wipes.

    "What's wrong, Yujin?" He asks kneeling down to her level.

    "Hyunwu dumped out the wipes~"

    "Did not! Mr. Kim, Yujin dumped them out." Hyunwu says rushing over with the wipes in his hands. "She's a liar."

    "You're a liar, you big dodo!" Yujin shouts at him.

    "Hey," Taehyung intervenes. "What did I say about name calling, Yujin?"

    "No name calling." Yujin pouts looking down at the empty container.

    "And what do we do when we're upset, Hyunwu?" Taehyung asks looking at the boy. "We what?"

    "Talk it out." Hyunwu grumbles.

    "That's right. Now, who dumped out the wipes?"

    "Not me."

    "I didn't."

Taehyung sighs. "Is there any chance that they fell when you weren't paying attention?"

    "Maybe." The kids says looking at each other.

    "It's okay either way, there are more wipes in the supply closet. I'm not upset about you guys dropping them. Next time don't place blame where it isn't due. Understand?"

    "Yes, sir." Hyunwu nods.

    "Yujin?" Taehyung asks waiting for her response.

    "Okay." She answers reluctantly.

    "Good. Now go throw those away and the two of you go get more out of the supply closet." Taehyung says standing. "Go together please."

The two first graders immediately complain about having to accompany one another to the supply closet.

    "Go now before I make you hold hands." Taehyung says crossing his arms, sending Yujin and Hyunwu scurrying away to the supply closet.

He laughs as he takes a seat at his desk. "Ten minutes, everyone! Make sure you grab your reading logs before you go, okay?"


After bus riders leave the classroom Taehyung is responsible for walking the car riders to the front of the school. Releasing them to their guardians when they are signed out.

    "My mommy's never here." Daejung huffs, throwing his backpack on the ground before sitting on it with his arms crossed.

Taehyung smiles sadly a the little boy, his parents were constantly having issues with miscommunication. Resulting in the first grader being forgotten after school.

    "Mommy's on her way, Daejung." Taehyung says squatting down in front of him. "You know I don't mind staying behind with you."

    "Everybody's gone but me." The dark haired boy says looking down the empty hallway with teary eyes.

    "Hey, I'm still here. You like hanging out with me don't you?" Taehyung asks with a smile.

Daejung nods looking down at his shoes, still pouting sadly.

    "Come on." Taehyung says standing up and holding his hand out. "I may have a couple extra juice boxes tucked away somewhere."

Daejung stands up and grabs his backpack before taking Taehyung's hand. Looking down at his shoes as the brunette leads him back to the classroom.

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