s e v e n t y - n i n e

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    "Shh, don't talk. Just hang on a minute."

Jeongguk turns his head as the doctor flashes a light in his eyes, pushing away the hand in his face. "Ma?"

    "Yes, I'm here," Mrs. Jeon says stepping forward and taking his hand. "What is it?"

    "Where's Taehyung?" The ravenette asks when he finally focuses on his mother's worried face.

    "I just talked to him, he's on his way." She says pushing Jeongguk's hair away from his face, his skin is pale and tacky.

Jeongguk closes his eyes, grunting in pain as he breathes in. "I need him to be here."

    "He's on his way, I promise," Mrs. Jeon says before turning to the doctor. "I think he's in pain."

    "We're administering an anti-inflammatory right away to help with the swelling." The doctor nods. "Circulatory shock could start to set in if we don't up his pain meds. I would recommend morphine~"

    "No," Jeongguk says shaking his head. "I don't want it."

    "Whatever will work the fastest." Mrs. Jeon nods.

    "A nurse will be right in." The doctor says before leaving with the others.

    "I don't want any morphine, ma." Jeongguk says shaking his head, opening his eyes so that his mother could see how serious he was. "I don't need it."

    "You do, Jeongguk," She says looking down at him with tears shining in her eyes.

    "I can't, you know why I can't~"

    "You don't have a choice right now." Mrs. Jeon says. "You'll be okay. I promise, Jeongguk."

    "Taehyung needs to be here," Jeongguk says closing his eyes. He was in pain but that was the last thing on his mind right now. He needed to know that Taehyung and the kids were okay. He needed to know that Chiwon's people hadn't gotten to him. "Why isn't he here?"

    "I called him~"

    "Call him again!"

Mrs. Jeon flinches at Jeongguk's sudden change in tone. "I-I will, I'm calling now."

    "I need him to be here." Jeongguk says through a tense breath. The nurse comes in as Mrs. Jeon is stepping out to call Taehyung. "I don't want any opioids."

"I'm sorry?" The nurse asks.

"I'm fine. I don't need anything right now." Jeongguk says waving her away.

"Yes, sir." The nurse says, a twinge of confusion still laced through her voice as she leaves the room.


"Taehyung, are you still on the way?"

"I'm in the parking lot." Taehyung responds. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"He's awake," Mrs. Jeon says through her emotions. "He's asking for you."

"He is?" Taehyung asks in shock. "Okay, okay, I'm coming right up. I'll be up in five."

Mrs. Jeon ends the call before walking back into the room. "Is the morphine helping?"

"Yeah," Jeongguk lies staring up at the ceiling. "Taehyung?"

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now