p r o l o g u e

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"Do you have to go out tonight, Taehyung?"

Taehyung immediately rolls his eyes as he roommate follows him out of his bedroom, adjusting his hair as he grabs his keys and wallet.

"I already told you I'd stay in tomorrow, Namjoon." The brunette says, tilting his head with a pout. "Don't bring my mood down right now, please?"

"I'm not trying to bring your mood down, it's just, you've been going out a lot lately." Namjoon says, his worry for the younger evident in his eyes. "I just want you to be safe. Why don't you get Jimin to go with you?"

"Because you and Jimin are practically the same people, and face it, hyung, you guys hold me back." Taehyung says, he didn't have time for distractions tonight, he just wanted to have a good time.

"Look, Tae, I know finding a new job has been hard on you, and I know you just want to have fun." The older says, voicing his thoughts like he always does when he's concerned. "But I need you to really be conscious of what you're doing. I'm not just talking about going out."

"What are you saying, hyung?" The brunette asks, his brows drawing together as he tried to understand his words.

"I'm just saying~"

Taehyung's phone pings with a notification. "Oh, my ride's here. I'll see you later, Namjoon. Don't worry about me."

Taehyung leaves the apartment without looking back at Namjoon, leaving the older alone.

He knew Namjoon was right, he was stressed about finding a job and he was just looking for a way to relieve that stress, but it wasn't easy.

After losing his paid internship, due to budget cuts in the company, Taehyung had been living off of his savings and his parents for the past two months. It was absolutely excruciating watching the money in his account dwindle as he kept up with his portion of the rent, the bills, and the household necessities, while still trying to uphold his degree.

The only time he wasn't stressing over his grades and money was when he was out numbing his anxiety and, hopefully, getting laid.

It was easy to find a decent stranger to take home around this area, especially with so many fellow university students looking for the same experience.

It's a warm summer night, so the clubs are packed tonight.

Taehyung feels the adrenaline already coursing through his veins as he forces his way through the crowd, heading directly to the bar. There was a process Taehyung had to having a good night, and it worked like a charm every single time.

First he orders himself a drink, or two, while he scans the crowd. Hopefully catching someone's eye as he does so.

Then, when the alcohol in his system boosts his confidence enough, he approaches the stranger he's got his eye on.

And finally, if they are everything he's looking for, he devotes his night to getting in his pants.

It's quite simple, actually.

But tonight he doesn't have to look far, or look at all for that matter, as someone catches his eye before he's even had his first drink.

The stranger isn't standing out from the crowd, or drawing attention to himself at all, he's sitting alone at the bar staring down at his drink as if it's betrayed him in some way.

Taehyung is tempted to approach him immediately, but he knows he'll make a fool out of himself without any alcohol in his system, so he trusts the process as he usually does.

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