n i n e t y - s e v e n

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    "I'm so sorry for calling this late, or early I guess~"

Jeongguk pushes himself up into a sitting position before reaching to turn the light on. "What's wrong, hyung? It's three in the morning."

    "I-I know, it's just~ I'm sorry, I don't know what to do, I don't know what's going on."

Jeongguk notices for the first time how panicked Seokjin's voice sounds. "What's wrong? What happened?"

    "What's going on?" Taehyung asks sitting up with his eyes half closed. "What's wrong?"

    "Saebin's gone, h-he's not in his room. He isn't answering his phone, I think it's dead and I don't know where he is~"

    "Try to breathe, hyung, I'm sure he's not far~"

    "Who's not far?" Taehyung asks coming out of his post sleep haze. "Saebin?"

    "I think he ran away," Jeongguk says to Taehyung, not expecting it to set Seokjin off into a fit of panicked 'oh my god's.

    "Oh my god," Taehyung says pushing the covers off of himself. "We have to go look for him."

    "Calm down," Jeongguk says looking at Taehyung. "Like I said, he couldn't have gone far. Have you called the police, hyung?"

    "Namjoon's on the phone with them now," Seokjin says, sniffling as he tries to breathe. "I was hoping maybe he would've went to your house."

    "He hasn't been here," Jeongguk says standing. "You and Namjoon should stay there and wait for him to come back. I'll drive around and see if I can find him."

    "No, I should go, I need to go." Seokjin says. "Thank you, but it's fine."

    "I think I know where he is, hyung. Just stay there, okay? If I find him I'll bring him straight home." Jeongguk says. "Don't panic."

Seokjin sighs on the other line. "I'll tell the police that you're out looking for him."

    "Okay, I'll call as soon as I find him." Jeongguk says before ending the call, looking over and finding Taehyung already pulling on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. "What are you doing?"

    "I'm going with you, obviously~"

    "What about the kids~"

    "My brother's here~"

    "They've never met your brother, they'll be scared shitless." Jeongguk says. "Stay here, I think I know where he is."

Taehyung sighs in defeat. "Where?"

    "I'm gonna find him, alright?" Jeongguk says grabbing his keys. "I'll be right back."

    "Be careful. And call as soon as you find him." Taehyung says as he leaves. "Okay?"

    "Okay." He says before walking out. He sighs, blinking the remainder of sleep out of his eyes as he leaves the house and climbs into his car. He calls Saebin's number just to see if he was purposely ignoring Seokjin and it goes straight to voicemail. "Fuck,"

He starts the car and heads in the direction of the park Saebin told him about once. He remembers him going on and on about how peaceful it was and how much he loved going there whenever he felt trapped. The park is a fifteen minute drive from Jeongguk's he couldn't imagine how long Saebin walked to get there from Seokjin and Namjoon's.

When he gets there the park is completely empty and he immediately recognizes Saebin's figure sitting at the swing sets. He calls Seokjin after killing his headlights. "Hey, hyung, I found him...Yeah. Tell the police that everything's fine...I'll bring him in a little bit...okay."

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