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Taehyung's heart was beating out of his chest as he sat down with the rest of his friends, wanting to break the news to them all at once instead of having to explain it over and over again.

"It's been so long since we've gotten together like this, you guys are always so busy." Jimin says, sitting down next to Namjoon. "How have you been, Tae?"

"Pretty good." The brunette smiles. "Just working and going to school."

"Hey, Tae, Joon was telling me that you were sick a little while ago?" Hoseok says from where he sits beside Yoongi. "Are you feeling better?"

"Y-Yeah, yeah...yeah~"

"He's doing better than he was last week." Namjoon says, trying to save the brunette. "How's class going, Hobi? Did your professor figure everything out about your chemistry grade?"

Taehyung bites his lip nervously, staring off as he tries to think of a way to work his news into the conversation.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the wine." Jimin says standing. "I brought Namjoon this new wine a couple days ago, you guys have to try it. Tae, have you tried it?"

"No." Taehyung's heart pounds in his ears as he watches Jimin skip off to the kitchen.

It's only been a day since his appointment and the realization was really starting to set in, he was pregnant, there's a baby in him. He can't drink alcohol, babies don't drink alcohol~

"You okay, Tae? You look like something's bothering you." Yoongi says. "You haven't said much either."

"I'm still feeling a little sick, that's all." Taehyung answers, looking at Namjoon who gives him a supportive smile.

"Here, guys." Jimin says returning with three wine glass balanced in his hands, handing them out to Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi.

Taehyung looks down as the wine, frowning softly.

"What's wrong, Tae?" Jimin asks, watching each of his friends reactions to see how they like the wine.

"I don't want any wine." The brunette says, sitting the glass down on the table.

    "Aw, but you love red." Jimin says, pouting softly.

    "I know, but~"

    "He's still getting over his stomach bug, Jimin." Yoongi speaks up in his defense.

    "I heard wine helps with nausea actually." Hoseok says before sipping his wine.

    "Just have one sip, Tae. I wanna know if you like it, so I can order everyone their own." Jimin says, looking at Taehyung expectantly.

    "Don't pressure him to drink, Jimin." Namjoon speaks up after seeing Taehyung's expression.

    "Oh, come on, you're acting like I'm forcing him to get trashed or something~"

    "I'm just saying, if he doesn't want to he doesn't have to, Jimin~"

Taehyung sighs as Jimin and Namjoon start going back and forth, their voices being drowned out by the sound of his heart beating rapidly in his ears.

He stands suddenly, Namjoon and Jimin both falling silent and looking at him.

    "I can't drink anymore." He says, his hands shaking by his sides as tears form in his eyes. "I can't drink, because I'm pregnant, okay? I-I don't know how, all I know is that I am. Maybe Namjoon can explain it, but I can't. That's why I asked you guys to come over. That's all. You can leave when you're ready."

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