t h i r t y - s e v e n

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    "My client has no relation to the Jeon cartel, aside from his surname. We took the initiative to petition the court for a DNA test to prove that, your honor."


Jeongguk sighs as the judge reads the results of the test out loud. He knew Taehyung wanted custody of the twins but he didn't expect him to try to use his family as one of his main arguments.

    "And your client is currently residing in a temporary living arrangement, correct?" The judge asks looking at Jeongguk's lawyer.

    "That's correct." He says. "He's an honorary graduate of a very prestigious university in Busan. Finding a job in his field won't take long. He'll be financially stable by the time of the next hearing I'm sure."

    "I've made my decision." The judge says writing a few things down before he speaks again. "I grant sole custody of Kim Jaehyung and Kim Hanjae to Kim Taehyung. Granting Jeon Jeongguk with supervised visitations until he can provide proof of a stable income and living space. If you have any questions or concerns speak with our custody advisor at the front desk. Have a nice day."

Jeongguk shakes his head as the judge bangs his gavel. Ending the case before he stands and leaves the courtroom.

    "That's a good start, Jeongguk. It really is, considering the situation." His lawyer says sitting down next to him and facing him. "In a few months they're gonna call us back and we're gonna have another go at joint custody."

    "How long is a few months, Choi?" Jeongguk asks rubbing his eyes in aggravation. "You're telling me I'm not gonna be able to see my kids?"

    "You have supervised visits~"

    "I'm their dad, I shouldn't have to be supervised just to see my own kids." Jeongguk says looking at him. "I'm not a bad guy."

    "Of course you aren't. And you're doing the right thing." Choi says. "We just need to trust the process. Okay? Get out of that apartment with your friend. Get your own place and a good job. They'll have to change the custody agreement if you do those things."

Jeongguk shakes his head in disbelief as he stands and grabs his jacket. "This is such bullshit."

    "Everything's gonna work out. I promise you that, alright?" Choi says standing as well. "Trust the process. Don't worry too much."

    "Alright." Jeongguk sighs. "I guess I'll see you in a few months then."

    "Six months max, three months minimum." Choi say shaking Jeongguk's hand. "Take care of yourself until then. Alright?"

    "Yeah." Jeongguk says walking out of the courtroom. Sighing softly when he sees Taehyung outside with Seokjin and the twins.

He doesn't want to speak to Taehyung but he wants to say goodbye to the twins. So he puts his own feelings aside, as he usually does.

    "I just wanted to say bye." He says when Taehyung and Seokjin notice him approaching them.

Taehyung steps to the side wordlessly as Jeongguk kneels down in front of the car seats to say goodbye to the boys.

Seokjin's phone pings with a notification, causing him to curse under his breath. "I have to go, Tae. Namjoon can't pick Saebin up from karate anymore."

    "Okay, go. I'm fine." Taehyung says. "Thank you for coming with me."

    "Sure thing. Call me if you need me." Seokjin says before rushing away.

Jeongguk sighs as he sits Hanjae back in his seat. He couldn't believe this was the first time he's seen them since the night they were born. They've already grown so much in the past few weeks.

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