f o u r t y - t w o

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Jeongguk sighs as he loosens his tie, flicking on the lights as he drops his keys on the couch. The house was quiet, which wasn't new. It was always quiet in this house unless the twins were here to distract him from the silence.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show."

Jeongguk is startled by the sound of Jihyuk's voice, following it to the entrance of the kitchen. Where he leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" He asks, his forehead creasing in immediate aggravation. He hasn't seen his brother in months, he's been purposely avoiding him and his mother.

    "It's been, what, four months since I've seen you last?" Jihyuk asks tilting his head as he thought about it for a moment. "Consider this a welfare check."

    "Like you give a shit about my welfare." Jeongguk says leaning against the back of his couch and crossing his arms. "How'd you get my address?"

    "It wasn't hard. Mom's been keeping tabs on you since you left." The older says. "She's the only reason I'm here, actually."

    "What does she want?" Jeongguk asks. "Whatever it is I don't want anything to do with her."

    "You know I wouldn't come all the way here if something wasn't wrong. Especially when it comes to mom~"

    "She's your mom, Jihyuk~"

    "That's bullshit, Jeongguk." Jihyuk says shaking his head, rolling his eyes in frustration. "I can't believe you're still bitching about this."

    "Are you finished?" Jeongguk asks, not phased at all by Jihyuk's words.

    "She's still your mom. And we're still your family~"

    "You aren't my family!" Jeongguk snaps. "I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now."

    "You can't escape who you are, Jeongguk. No matter how far you run." Jihyuk continues. "You can work your stupid high paying job and  live in your fancy ass house. You can make new friends and associate yourself with all the right people, you'll always be a Jeon."

    "I'm nothing like you, Jihyuk. Or that family." Jeongguk says firmly.

    "Your charges may have been dropped, Jeongguk, but you aren't so innocent, are you?" Jihyuk asks stepping towards him. "If I'm remembering correctly, it was you who helped me get rid of our cousin's body. And you who assisted me in the murder of those guards outside of our uncle's house. Or am I getting you confused with someone else?"

    "I never killed anybody, Jihyuk. That was you." Jeongguk says stepping towards him. "You're the murderer, and you know that."

    "Of course I do." His brother says with an indolent shrug. A smirk playing on his lips as if he was proud of himself. "All I'm saying is that your hands aren't exactly spotless, brother."

    "Get out." Jeongguk says tugging his tie off as he heads to the kitchen. "I don't have anything to say to you."

    "Well this isn't about me, it's about mom." Jihyuk says stopping him. "You can act like you don't give a shit, but I know you do?"

    "What? Is she drinking again? Or is she popping pills?" Jeongguk asks sarcastically. "Because either fucking way, I'm not surprised."

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now