s i x t y - t h r e e

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Jimin sighs as he clocks out of work, he hated his job and it was starting to make him miserable at this point. He didn't have many options despite having a degree in the culinary arts. Maybe he was just in the wrong part of town.

    "I'm leaving." He tells his boss as he walks towards the exit. "Mrs. Kwon's order is ready, it's on the bottom shelf of the cooler."

    "Did you clean the kitchen up before you clocked out?" His boss asks without looking up from the magazine he was looking through.

Jimin wants to curse at him and tell him to do it his damn self but he refrains. "I didn't get to it, I'm in a hurry."

    "I'll be in a hurry making next week's schedule then." The man says closing the magazine and taking it with him to the back.

    "Asshole." Jimin mumbles before leaving the bakery, that man was the laziest son of a bitch he's ever met in his life.


Jimin startles, looking up from his phone and finding a guy walking towards him. He's dressed in all black, his hair styled messily on his head. Jimin's first instinct is to back away.

    "Don't run off, I don't bite." The guy chuckles as he stops in front of him. "Are you Jimin?"

    "Who's asking?" Jimin asks looking up at the guy towering over him. "Who the hell are you?"

    "Walk with me, Jimin." The guy says putting his arm over Jimin's shoulder and leading him in the opposite direction of his car.

    "Who the fuck are you, man?" Jimin says pushing him away. "What's your deal just walking up to people~"

    "I'm Chiwon." The guy says. "I'm Taehyung's...ex-boyfriend, I guess."

    "Chiwon? I thought~"

    "Joohyuk's not my real name." Chiwon says. "It's a long story."

    "Look, I don't know what the fuck it is that you want, but you've got the wrong guy. I don't even talk to Taehyung anymore." Jimin says. "If you want to get in contact with him call one of his friends."

    "No, Jimin, you're exactly who I'm looking for." Chiwon says with an unreadable smile. "Talk to me for a second, I'm not gonna do anything to you."

"I already told you that I don't talk to Taehyung anymore~"

"And I already told you that I'm not looking for Taehyung. I already know where he is, I'm looking for you." Chiwon says. "Are you gonna listen or not?"

"What do you want with me?" Jimin asks, still eyeing Chiwon uneasily.

    "Why don't you talk to Taehyung anymore? What's the reason?" The taller male asks crossing his arms.

    "I don't know. Things were strained between us and I just got tired of trying to force a friendship with him." Jimin says honestly. "It's tiring having to force friendships with him, Namjoon, and Seokjin."

    "Why were things strained?"

    "Why do you care?"

Chiwon shrugs, glancing off in thought. "It just seems like there's something you're holding against Taehyung."

    "I'm not holding anything against him...it's not his fault everyone chooses him over me." Jimin says looking down, it was the first time he was actually voicing his feelings about Taehyung. Since they met in high school it was like everyone chose Taehyung, or preferred him over Jimin. 

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