n i n e t y - f i v e

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"There's too much mulch there."

Saebin huffs as he kneels back down in front of the rose bushes. Using his hands to spread out the mulch.

"The lawnmower should be good to go whenever you need it." Jeongguk says from where he's trimming the bushes. Saebin had already attempted to he was just cleaning them up some more.

"This is bullshit." Saebin mumbles, throwing some mulch down in anger.

"What?" Jeongguk asks looking down at him.

"I said this is bullshit." The thirteen year old says pushing himself up from the ground. Pulling the gloves he was wearing off and throwing them down. "You have me doing work a grown ass man should be doing! I beat a guy up, I didn't kill him! Even if I did, it was self defense!"

"That's not what you told your dad. And that's not what the principal told him either." Jeongguk says dropping the garden sheers, sighing as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

"Well it's true," Saebin says crossing his arms. "It's bad enough that I had to cut my hair, now this? And I can't go anywhere for two months? This is so fucked up."

"Okay, first, watch your goddamn mouth when you're talking to me." Jeongguk says. "You're a kid, where do you get off talking to me like that? I'm an adult, have a little respect."

"You're just like everyone else~"

"That's not going to work this time, Bin. I'm sorry." Jeongguk says. "You're right, actually, I am just like everyone else. Because I care about you and I want you to clean up your fucking act. You didn't just beat a kid up, you risked being expelled from the best school in your district. That's a big deal."

Saebin rolls his eyes. "You don't get expelled for one fight, it's a three strike system. I'm not an idiot."

"No, you aren't an idiot." Jeongguk says. "Which is why I want to know the real reason you snapped like this."

"I just lashed out." Saebin shrugs. "In self defense."

"Why'd you tell the principal and your dad that he didn't provoke you if it was self defense?" Jeongguk asks tilting his head. "Be honest."

"Because, if I told them he provoked me I would've had to tell them what he said." Saebin says looking down at his hands.

"What'd he say?" Jeongguk asks, he could tell that whatever it was really bothered him then and it was still bothering him.

Saebin shakes his head, keeping his eyes down. "You'll think it's stupid."

"I promise I won't." Jeongguk says, falling silent and giving him the time he needed to respond.

"...He called me gay." Saebin says lowly. "In a much more colorful way, I'm sure you can imagine."

"People are going to call you names all throughout your life, Saebin, you can't give them the satisfaction~"

"It's not because he called me gay." Saebin says looking up at Jeongguk to gage his reaction. "It's just...what if it's true? And I end up just the way all my teachers said I would end up. Screwed up because of my parents."

Jeongguk doesn't really react. "If it is true, that's okay, Bin. We've always taught you that it's okay to love any human you want~"

"It doesn't matter what you taught me, that doesn't mean shit in the real world." Saebin says, tears forming in his eyes as he continues. "In the real world, if I didn't kick that kid's ass when he said that everyone would've thought it was true. And I would be the one getting my ass kicked. That's what I wish you would've taught me instead."

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