n i n e t y - s i x

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"You're putting too much pressure on yourself."

Taehyung sighs as he looks down at the pregnancy test in his hand. Not pregnant. "I felt so sure this time."

"It's okay, Taehyung." Jeongguk says sitting next to him on the bed and putting his arm around him. "It's only February, there's still March and April."

"We've been trying for months now." Taehyung says looking up at him. "What if I already missed my window, like Dr. Song said."

"She said we had a 85% chance." Jeongguk says. "Our odds are good, better than most."

Taehyung nods, looking down at the test with a disappointed look in his eyes. "I should make sure the boys are asleep."

    "Are you sure you're okay?" Jeongguk asks, already knowing the answer just by looking at Taehyung's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Taehyung says, offering the ravenette a small smile. "Really, Gguk."

"Okay," Jeongguk says. "I love you."

"I know, I love you too." The brunette says, his smile growing when Jeongguk kisses his cheek.

The doorbell rings, bringing confused expressions to their faces.

    "Who could that be?" Taehyung asks as Jeongguk checks the time on his phone.

    "I don't know. I'll get it." The ravenette says standing. "Make sure it didn't wake up the kids."

They both stand and leave the room, Taehyung going to check on the kids and
Jeongguk skipping down the stairs to get the door.

When he pulls the front door open he finds Hyungsik standing there, backpack hanging off his shoulder. "Hey, uhm, what are you doing here?"

    "Sorry for coming so late, did I wake you?" Hyungsik asks instead of answering his question.

    "No, what's up?" Jeongguk asks, looking behind him to see if Taehyung was coming before turning back and speaking in a lower voice.

"Nothing, it's just that Jihyuk said it's going to take a couple days to process all the paperwork. And he doesn't want me leaving the country until everything's final." Hyungsik says. "I don't have anywhere else to go."

"You can't go to your parents' house?" Jeongguk asks in the same low voice.

"We aren't really on good terms." Hyungsik says. "After I blew all the money they saved for me to go to college."

Jeongguk sighs, thinking for a second. "I'll give you money for a hotel for a few nights. Taehyung's not going to want you to stay here~"

"The kids are still down, Gguk." Taehyung says walking down the stairs. "Who's...What's he doing here?"

"Uhm...His flight got canceled so he's here for a few days and he needs a place to stay." Jeongguk says. "I was just saying that I'd put him up in a hotel until his flight was rescheduled."

"Did you sign the papers for Jihyuk?" Taehyung asks standing beside Jeongguk with his arms crossed.

"Yeah," Hyungsik nods.

"There's no reason to spend unnecessary money when he can stay here, it's fine, Jeongguk." The brunette shrugs. "The guest room is still set up."

"Are you sure?" Jeongguk asks.

"I don't care." Taehyung shrugs again before walking to the kitchen.

Jeongguk follows him with his eyes, sighing softly before gesturing for Hyungsik to come in.

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