f o u r t y - o n e

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Taehyung sighs in relief as he takes Jaehyung into his arms. Holding the baby to his chest for a moment before looking at him.

    "Oh, sweet boy. Did you miss me? I missed you. I almost died missing you." He says dramatically as he kissed the baby. "Did your dad dress you in these horrible clothes?"

Jeongguk rolls his eyes as he goes to get Hanjae. Ignoring Taehyung's comment about Jaehyung's outfit.

    "What's wrong with you?" Taehyung asks following him inside. "Aren't you going to defend your shitty fashion sense?"

    "I don't think it's shitty." The ravenette says dully. Not really getting as up in arms about it as he usually would be.

    "You're acting weird." Taehyung says shifting Jaehyung to his hip as he looks down at Hanjae.

Jeongguk shrugs as he takes him out of his bassinet. He wasn't purposely being quiet, he was just a little sad to see the boys go. He wishes they had more than a couple days together. But he reminds himself that a while ago a couple days would've felt like forever.

    "I'm just gonna miss them." He admits as he lifts Hanjae from his bassinet. Kissing his chubby cheek before holding him on his hip.

Taehyung sighs, he hated when Jeongguk made him feel like a shitty person for keeping the twins the majority of the time. He didn't want to keep him out of their life, but he didn't want his life coming into theirs.

    "We could try three days a week if you want." He offers, despite his reluctance. "Like, Friday, Saturday, and I come get them Sunday afternoon again."

    "You'd be okay with that?" Jeongguk asks, his features brightening slightly. "Really?"

    "Yeah, I mean...you're their dad so, you should get to see them more often." Taehyung admits. The hurt part of himself wanted to keep the twins as far away from Jeongguk as much as possible. But the part of him that still loved Jeongguk wanted something else. He still longed for a family and he wanted that for his kids. He wanted them to experience both parents in their lives like he did.

    "That'd be great." Jeongguk smiles softly. Pushing his overgrown hair out of his face. "Would we have to get it in writing first, or..?"

    "We can just try it out. If it works out then we'll get it in writing." Taehyung says before checking the time on his phone. "I need to get going."

    "I'll help you get them in the car." Jeongguk offers, his mood lifted a bit after Taehyung's offer.

    "Alright." Taehyung says kissing Jaehyung on the cheek again as he follows Jeongguk out of the nursery. "I don't think I said anything about the house when I first saw it, it's pretty nice.

    "Thanks. I like it a lot too." Jeongguk says. "I only put 20% down on it."

    "You bought this place?" Taehyung asks in shock. "I thought you'd rent around first."

    "I didn't want to. And since I'm the operations manager I don't have to worry about affording it." The ravenette says. "I just wanted to have something that was mine. Like, actually mine."

"I get that." Taehyung nods. "Well, I'm proud of you. Seriously, I know it couldn't have been easy doing all this is five months."

Jeongguk's heart flutters but he chooses to ignore it. It's easier not to get swept up by every word Taehyung says when he ignores the way his heart beats faster. "Thank you."

Taehyung offers a small smile before heading out of the house to strap the twins into the car.

Jeongguk doesn't say much as he buckles Hanjae into his seat. Biting his lip as he thought about his relationship with Taehyung. He still hasn't fully accepted that it was over. He didn't want to believe that it was. Even after this long he still had hope that they could make it work.

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