f i f t e e n

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"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Taehyung nods as Namjoon walks to the kitchen to get himself some water.

"I'm not that drunk actually." The older chuckles. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, thanks. I should probably go." The younger says checking the time. He wasn't in any rush to see Jeongguk but he knew he couldn't avoid him forever.

"I wish you'd stay," Namjoon says walking from the kitchen. "It's like we never hang out since you moved in with Jeongguk."

"I know." Taehyung pouts. It did seem like they were both always busy. "Fine. I'll stay for a little while. But then I really have to go."

"Okay." The older smiles happily before walking back to the kitchen. "Sit down. I'm getting food."

"Are we watching a movie or what?" The brunette asks grabbing the remote. "You know I pick the best movies."

"No. I wanna talk." Namjoon calls from the kitchen. "I have to finish telling you what I was saying earlier."

"Right. I almost forgot about that." Taehyung says turning to the music channel on the tv. "I'm dying to know who your next victim is, Joon."

"Victim?" The older asks returning from the kitchen with chips and drinks.

"Yes." The brunette says patting the spot next to him. "Who's the latest victim of your charm?"

Namjoon laughs as he sits down. "You still like honey butter right?"

"Yes, I love honey butter," Taehyung says taking the bowl from him. "Now go ahead and spill all the details."

"Okay. I'm gonna try not to screw this up." The older says taking the remote and turning the tv down a little. "So, you do know this person. Keep that in mind."

"Mhm." The brunette nods making a mental note. "How long have I know them?"

"Your entire life," Namjoon says, laughing at Taehyung's expression.

"Don't tell me you have a crush on my brother, Namjoon." The younger frowns.

"Just listen." The older says before continuing. "I've known them for almost six years now. We first met in high school. I was in my last year they were in their second."

Taehyung tries to think of the people he went to high school with that Namjoon could potentially be interested in but no one came to mind.

"I kinda always knew I liked them. From the first time we met I felt more for them than any friend would." Namjoon continues with a fond smile on his face. "I wanted to tell them but before I worked up enough courage someone new came into my life."

"Jimin?" Taehyung asks as he pops another chip into his mouth.

"Yeah. And I really liked him, y'know? I really thought we were good for each other." The older says. Sighing as he briefly reminisces about the good times spent with Jimin. "There were times when I actually thought I loved him. But whenever I would try to take that next step he'd always become distant. Or he'd disregard me."

Taehyung pouts in sympathy for Namjoon. It wasn't fair to him that Jimin treated him that way.

"But I think the real reason it never worked was because Jimin knew about the other person," Namjoon says. "He knew that I had feelings for someone else. And I did because my feelings for this person never went away fully. And it didn't help that I saw them every day. And I was constantly reminded of how beautiful they were. And how funny and smart they were."

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