n i n e t y - f o u r

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"J-Jihyuk said you wanted me to stop by?"

"Yeah, come in."

Jeongguk lets Hyungsik inside before shutting the front door. It was late, the kids were down and Taehyung still hasn't come home despite the numerous messages Jeongguk left.

"W-Was there something you wanted?" Hyungsik asks, stopping by the front door instead of following Jeongguk in.

"Did you sign the paperwork?" Jeongguk asks crossing his arms.

"Yeah," Hyungsik shrugs. "Why?"

"You'll be glad you did." The ravenette says. "That family is trouble, you don't want anything to do with them."

Hyungsik shrugs again. "A-Alright."

"I asked you to come because Taehyung came home in tears earlier. He left and hasn't been back since." Jeongguk says. "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

"We had a tough conversation earlier, that's all." Hyungsik nods. "It's family stuff."

"Right," Jeongguk nods. "Well, he's my family so I'd like to know what upset him."

"It's personal." Hyungsik says. "It's one thing if he wants you to know but it's not my place to tell."

"You told him you were a Jeon?" Jeongguk asks, fishing for an answer now.

"Yeah, that's not why he's upset though." The older says. "But, like I said, it's not my place to tell you that part."

"I need to know, Hyungsik, so I can help him." The ravenette says, becoming aggravated with him. "If you can trust anyone you can trust me. He'd want me to know."

Hyungsik sighs, looking off for a second. "I'll just say this." he sighs. "Our mom...she can't have kids."

Jeongguk waits for him to continue but he doesn't. "Okay?"

"She can't have kids so she adopted me...and Taehyung." Hyungsik says, not expecting to have to spell it out for Jeongguk. "They told me when I sixteen, but they never told him. They didn't think he'd handle it well because of the way I reacted."

"And how'd you react?"

"I used all the money they gave me for college and moved back to the town we were raised in, in Japan."

Jeongguk sighs, falling silent as he thinks of all the things Taehyung must be feeling right now. He knew exactly what it felt like to have your entire life turned upside by a single piece of information.

"Taehyung's smarter than me." Hyungsik says. "He's not an eighteen year old kid either. He's got his life figured out here, he's not stupid enough to screw this up. Just give him some time to react, he'll cool off eventually."

Jeongguk looks at Hyungsik, his advice wasn't helping at all. "Don't talk about him like you know him better than me. When was the last time you even spoke to him?
When he was in high school?"

"I'm just trying to help." Hyungsik shrugs. "We've both been in his position, did you want someone breathing down your neck telling you that everything was okay?"


"Neither did I."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes a little, he couldn't help but want to comfort Taehyung and make him feel better. It felt like it was his job to comfort him when he needed.

"I should go." Hyungsik says ending the conversation. "I'm sorry."

"About what?" Jeongguk asks.

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now