e l e v e n

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It was almost four in the morning when the program Taehyung was rebooting on the laptop was finally finished. Jeongguk sat watching the screen anxiously the entire time. He was finally going to have access to the hit list that may or may not have his name on it.

"Come on, come on." He whispers as he watches the percent increase to ninety-nine. He was exhausted but nothing was more important than this right now.

Taehyung had gone to bed almost four hours ago and it was dead silent in the apartment. The only light illuminating Jeongguk's room coming from the computer screen.

"Come on." The ravenette groans in frustration as the percent buffers on ninety-nine. His heart almost leaping out of his chest when it reaches one hundred. The screen goes black before opening the external hard drive. "Yes!"

Jeongguk covers his mouth as he watches the screen load before his eyes. Scrolling through the contents of the hard drive in search of the list.

His phone vibrates loudly against his nightstand. Causing him to jump in alarm before he grabs it. His brother's name on the screen.

"Why the hell are you calling me right now?" He answers in aggravation. Continuing to scroll through the hard drive. "I'm in the middle of something."

"You have to come home, Jeongguk. Right now." His brother says with a strange tone in his voice. "Don't ask me why. Just come."

Jeongguk stands immediately to put his shoes on. "What's~"

"I said don't ask." Jihyuk snaps. "Just get over here. Dad's losing his shit."

Jeongguk freezes when he hears Jihyuk's words. Stopping just before his bedroom door. "W-Why? What~"

The sound of his father raising his voice in the background cuts him off. He hears his mother's voice as well and decides that staying away wasn't an option.

"I'm on my way." He says ending the call as he leaves his room. He curses under his breath as he leaves the apartment in a hurry.

This was exactly why he moved out in the first place. Whenever his dad got upset he took it out on everyone. Especially him and his mother.

When he gets to the house he sees some of the housekeepers rushing from the front door. Stopping one of them and asking what's going on.

"Mr. Jeon wants everyone out of the house." One of them says barely stopping to answer. "He's a little upset."

Jeongguk nods as the housekeepers rush away. Sighing before walking into the house. He stands at the bottom of the stairs for a moment. Waiting to see if his father was still yelling.

He goes up after not hearing anything. Going to his mother's room first to see if she had returned yet. Knocking on the door as he enters.

"Ma?" He says closing the door behind himself. Looking around the dimly lit room. "It's me."

"Jeongguk?" The woman asks coming from inside the bathroom with a bruise blossoming across her face. "Jeongguk, sweetheart. Why are you here? You shouldn't have come~"

"Let me see." The ravenette says stepping in front of her. Gently tilting her head towards the light to get a better look at the damage. His jaw clenching tightly when he gets a better look at the bruise forming.

"It's nothing." His mother says taking his hands in hers. Giving them a reassuring squeeze. "You shouldn't have come. He's calming down~"

"What happened?" Jeongguk asks stoically. Trying his best to conceal his anger and fear for his mother's sake. He knew that getting over-emotional would only make things harder for her.

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