e i g h t

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"And I just thought this one was cool so I got it. It doesn't mean anything, at least I don't think it does."

Taehyung nods lethargically as Jeongguk explains the meaning of another one of his tattoos.

"This is my newest one." The older says pulling his shorts up to show the tribal band tattoo around his thigh. "This one hurt the worst."

It was almost two in the morning and Taehyung had given in and laid with Jeongguk...it was totally platonic. Taehyung asked why he had so many tattoos but instead of answering Jeongguk just explained what each one meant to him.

"You still didn't answer my original question." The brunette points out as Jeongguk sits up to put his hoodie back on. "Why do you have so many?"

The ravenette looks away, shrugging a little. "Because they make me look tough. Even though I'm not."

"I think you're tough."

"I'm not."

Taehyung pouts a little when he sees Jeongguk's expression. The ravenette's sad eyes making him wonder if there was a deeper meaning behind his words. "Why do you think you need to be tough?"

Jeongguk sighs as he lays back down on his side. Facing Taehyung before he answers. "My dad's tough, and my brother. But I'm not. And I never have been. They look at me like this weak kid that can't do anything for himself. And my tattoos cover that up I think."

Taehyung nods along with Jeongguk's words. He's surprised that he's opening up to him like this.

"When most people look at me don't see how weak I really am." The ravenette chuckles as he rolls his eyes. A sad smile still playing on his lips.

"I know for a fact that you aren't weak," Taehyung says. "It takes a strong person to step up like you have for me and the twins. I don't care what your dad or your brother says, you're a tough guy."

Jeongguk smiles at Taehyung's words, his face flushing a little. "Thank you."

As Taehyung smiles back he realizes that Jeongguk isn't at all who he perceived him to be the first night he met him. The hoodie Jeongguk wears covers all his tattoos, and without the distraction, Taehyung sees the ravenette. He truly sees him.

"What?" Jeongguk asks when Taehyung doesn't say anything.

"Nothing." The brunette says. "I'm just really lucky to have you, Jeongguk."

The older smiles a little at his words. "I guess we got lucky in more ways than one that night."

"Idiot." Taehyung laughs, rolling his eyes as he scoots closer to the ravenette.

Jeongguk chuckles as he puts his arm around Taehyung without a second thought. It almost seems natural for them to be this close. "I'm glad we met, Tae."

"Me too." The brunette smiles, ignoring the way his heart beats faster and butterflies form in his stomach.

Taehyung agreed to this platonic co-parent dynamic for a reason. But it seems as each day went by, and the closer he got to Jeongguk, those reasons became less and less important to him.

~The next morning...~

Taehyung groans as he stirs awake. Stretching as he forces his eyes open against the light pouring into the bedroom.

He looks around in confusion before remembering last night. A small smile forms on his face as he pushes the covers off of himself.

He finds some folded clothes on top of a chair beside the bed. A note sitting on top along with a towel.

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