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~Three days earlier...~

    "You aren't serious."

    "Why wouldn't I be serious?"

Jihyuk crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe as he looks at Jeongguk incredulously.

    "I'm inviting mom to breakfast tomorrow and we're going to talk." Jeongguk says, hoping that it would sway Jihyuk to help him out. "I'm going to call her tonight."

    "Okay?" Jihyuk shrugs. "If you didn't need me for something you wouldn't be calling her."

    "But I am calling her." Jeongguk says. "This is serious, Jihyuk."

    "You wanting me to track down your boyfriend isn't serious." Jihyuk says moving to shut the door.

    "I just need to know where his flight's going tomorrow, please, Jihyuk." Jeongguk says. "I won't ask you for anything else~"

    "Don't lie." Jihyuk says. "And what do you mean where his flights going, your boyfriend didn't tell you where he was going?"

    "He said he was going to Japan for a seminar." Jeongguk says. "I heard him over the baby monitor telling Seokjin that there isn't really a seminar."

Jihyuk falls silent, a look crossing his face. "So he lied, huh?"

    "Yeah," Jeongguk says. "Why'd you get that look? What do you know?"

    "I don't know anything, what?"

    "You're a goddamn lie."

    "I'm not, what? He's your boyfriend, I know where my wife is, she's upstairs. Your boyfriend, your problem."

    "Where the hell is he, Jihyuk? What did you do?" Jeongguk asks stepping up onto the porch. "What do you know?"

Jihyuk sighs, rolling his eyes. "Alright, I might've told him where Jimin is."

    "What?" Jeongguk says in confusion. "Why the hell would you tell him and not me?"

    "He asked me not to tell you~"

    "Wait, wait, wait." Jeongguk says holding his hand up. "You two have been talking?"

    "He's been stopping by for the past month, mostly after school." Jihyuk confesses. "He didn't think you should know because he thought you'd try to confront Jimin."

Jeongguk blinks rapidly, his expression dumbstruck as he waits for Jihyuk to tell him he's joking. "Are you an idiot?"


    "No, you must be a fucking idiot!" Jeongguk snaps. "Even if he asked you not to you should've told me!"

    "I couldn't, Jeongguk." Jihyuk says. "Taehyung trusted me with this. He's never trusted me with anything, I couldn't let him down with this. I didn't think he'd go to the fucking Czech Republic!"

    "Czech~" Jeongguk's words get caught in his throat. "He's going to the Czech Republic?"

    "That's where Jimin is." Jihyuk says. "I'm sorry."

    "You better text me that address right now, Jihyuk. Right fucking now!" Jeongguk points as he turns to leave, stopping short at the bottom of the steps and turning to his brother. "Why do you care if Taehyung trusts you?"

    "Because," Jihyuk shrugs. "I want him to be able to depend on me."

    "And why would you want that?" Jeongguk asks. "Why would he need to depend on you?"

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now