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Jeongguk sighs as his phone vibrates against his mother's nightstand again. Picking it up and finding another message from Taehyung telling him how worried he is. Guilt stirs in his chest as he sits the phone back down. Grabbing his drink and further numbing his feelings.

    "Who's that?" His mother asks from where she sits at her vanity applying face creams. A drink unsurprisingly by her side as well.

    "Nothing...I mean no one." The ravenette says staring at the bottom of his glass. His head somehow still throbbing in his slightly drunken state.

    "Whoever it is seems to be worried." Mrs. Jeon says looking at her son. "Is it a woman?"

Jeongguk shakes his head as he stands to get another drink. Stumbling a bit on his way to the minibar. "Trust me, it's not a woman."

    "Maybe you should slow down, sweetheart." His mother says standing and walking over to him. Taking the glass and the bottle of liquor from his hands. "You've had enough for today I think."

    "You're one to tell someone to stop drinking." The ravenette scoffs, but he doesn't argue. He walks back to the bed and lays down with a heavy sigh. He knew that it was getting late and that he should at least text Taehyung. But he knew disappearing for the entire day and drunk texting the brunette wasn't going to help.

    "Are you going to stay again tonight?" Mrs. Jeon asks facing him with crossed arms. "Or should I get you a car?"

    "Are you kicking me out?" Jeongguk asks lifting his head to look at the woman.

    "Of course not." She answers as she walks over and takes a seat at the end of the bed. "I just don't want you driving."

    "I'm fine." The ravenette says despite clearly not being fine. He pushes himself up out of the bed, ruffling his messy hair as he grabs his phone and keys. "I'm just gonna go."

    "Let me get you a car, honey." Mrs. Jeon says standing with him. Worry etched in her features as she stops him. "You can't drive."

    "I'll get my own ride, ma. I'm fine." Jeongguk says stepping into his shoes. "I'll come to check on you again tomorrow."

    "Okay. Be careful, please." His mother says as he hugs her. "I love you, Jeongguk."

    "Love you too." The ravenette mumbles before pulling away from the embrace. Leaving the room as he calls for a car.

After calling for a ride he goes to the kitchen for some water. He couldn't show up completely trashed after being gone all day.

If he could hold himself together a little maybe he could convince Taehyung that he's just extremely tired.

When he finally arrives at his apartment complex it is well past nine, almost ten. He stands outside of his door for a second. Trying to come up with a reasonable explanation as to where he was exactly.

He gives up after a while and opens the door. Finding the apartment dark and silent. Taehyung must've gone to bed already.

Jeongguk sighs in relief as he closes the door quietly behind himself. Being sure to make the least amount of noise possible.

    "Where the hell were you?"

Jeongguk startles as he faces Taehyung. Finding the younger standing at the entrance of the hallway with his arms crossed.


    "What happened to your face?" Taehyung asks when he notices the dark bruise on Jeongguk's face. Walking over and taking the older's face in his hands, making him flinch when he touches the tender area. "Were you in a fight?"

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now