n i n e t y - t h r e e

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"Please, please, please, please~"

"Jaehyung, no."

Jaehyung groans in frustration as he follows Taehyung downstairs. "Please, dada, I'll take care of it. I'll walk it and feed it, I'll pay for food with my piggy bank and make sure it's never in the way~"

"You're not old enough to take care of a dog, Jaehyung. End of discussion." Taehyung says grabbing his keys. "Hanjae! Shoes on, backpack on, it's time to go!"

    "Can I get a turtle then?" Jaehyung asks, shoving his shoes on without untying them. "Saebin's got one, said it's low...uhm~"

     "I don't care how low maintenance it is, Jaehyung. It's going to be dead in a week." Taehyung says. "Remember what happened with the fish? We replaced it three times before I gave up on you."

    "I fed them everyday, dad, I swear. I don't know how they died." Jaehyung pouts. "I think Hanjae sabotageded me."

    "Sabotaged." Taehyung corrects. "Either way, no dog, no turtle. End of discussion. Maybe I'll think about it after your next progress report."

    "Really!?" Jaehyung shouts, his eyes wide with shock. "Pinky swear?"

    "Pinky swear." Taehyung says holding his pinky out. "All S'."

    "All S', I swear." Jaehyung says excitedly as he links his pinky with his dad's. "Saebin's going to be so jealous when he sees my dog~"

    "When he sees your turtle." Taehyung says. "I agreed to the turtle."

    "You didn't specialficly say turtle." Jaehyung says as he shrugs his backpack on.

    "Specifically, and I'm saying it now~"

    "Too late, dad, we already pinky swore." He says before skipping off to the front door.

    "Wha~" Taehyung groans in defeat as he grabs Hanjae's backpack off the couch. "Come on, Hanjae, please!"

Hanjae comes dragging down the stairs still wearing his pajamas, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.

    "Hanjae, sweetheart, what's going on? I laid your clothes out an hour ago." Taehyung says when he sees him, checking his watch. "It's already eight, you need to get dressed."

    "I don't feel good, dada." Hanjae pouts, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. "I think I have the flu."

    "Let me see," The brunette says walking over and pressing his palm to his forehead. "You don't feel warm. Stick your tongue out."

Hanjae does as he's told, tilting his head up so Taehyung can see.

    "You're fine." He says crossing his arms. "Put your clothes on, Appa will drive you to school on his way to sissy's daycare~"

    "Dada, please, I really don't feel good. I can't go to school." Hanjae whines, stomping his feet slightly as he pouts. "Mrs. Park said to stay home if we're sick~"

    "You aren't sick, Hanie~"

    "I am sick! My head hurts, a-and I have chills~"

    "Google isn't going to help you right now, Hanjae. You're going to school." Taehyung says walking away. "Jeongguk!"

    "I'm right here." Jeongguk says walking in from the kitchen with Jaein on his hip, her head resting on his shoulder as she blinks lethargically.

    "Hanjae needs to be dropped off on your way to take Jaein." Taehyung says. "He's saying he's sick again."

    "I am sick, Appa." Hanjae whines shuffling over to Jeongguk and clinging to his pants. "Please, Appa."

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