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It has officially been a week since Taehyung was put on bed rest. He has been doing everything Dr. Song told him to do with help from Jeongguk. Without Jeongguk's help staying in bed would have nearly been impossible.

    "You said you were going to take a break from that," Jeongguk says leaning against the doorframe of Taehyung's bedroom. Crossing his arms as he watches Taehyung type away on his laptop.

    "I did take a break." The brunette says without looking in Jeongguk's direction. "I'm almost finished. I see no reason to stop now."

Jeongguk sighs softly as watches the younger. The tone in his voice making him feel bad for him. He sounded so sad and unmotivated. "Are you doing okay? I heard you crying again last night."

    "You do know that it's kind of weird to listen in on people, right?" Taehyung asks dully. Keeping his tired eyes trained on the screen of his laptop. "I'm fine. I'm just emotional, I guess."

    "Are you sure that's it?" The ravenette asks tilting his head in concern. "Nothing's bothering you?"

    "You're bothering me right now." The brunette says finally looking over at the older. "I said I'm fine, Jeongguk. I'm just trying to finish my homework. So, could you please?"

Jeongguk bites his lip as he nods. "Alright. I'm gonna go get your things from Namjoon, then."

    "Alright," Taehyung says returning to his work. Ignoring the sigh that Jeongguk releases as he turns to leave.

The ravenette shoots Namjoon a text telling him that he was on the way before grabbing his keys and leaving the apartment. This past week has forced the pair to at least be cordial to one another for Taehyung's sake.

Jeongguk had to go over his apartment multiple times for things Taehyung needed. And he allowed Namjoon to come to his to visit his friend. It was a challenge for both men but they put their differences aside, whatever they were, for Taehyung.

Jeongguk genuinely had no problem with Namjoon before, but after hearing about how he didn't support Taehyung's decision to move in, things felt strained between them.

When he gets to Namjoon's apartment the older meets him at the door with a bag of the clothes Taehyung requested.

    "Thanks." The ravenette says taking the bag before turning to leave. They never really exchange much conversation so it wasn't unusual for him to just leave.

    "How's Taehyung?" Namjoon asks before he goes. "He didn't answer when I called earlier."

    "He's fine. He had a tough night but he won't talk to me about it." Jeongguk shrugs dismissively. He was trying to hide his worry but he was failing. "He's been wanting me to give him space lately."

    "You're worried, aren't you?" The older asks, surprising Jeongguk with his concern.

    "Yeah, but there's not much I can do besides what he asks." The younger says with a sigh. He just kept holding on to the idea that Taehyung would eventually come out of the depression he seemed to be falling into.

    "Don't give him space. Even if he asks you to." Namjoon says hoping that the advice would help. He didn't particularly care for Jeongguk but he did care for his friend. "He doesn't actually want you to leave him alone."

    "Oh, I'm pretty sure he does," Jeongguk says thinking back to the numerous times last week that he was locked out by Taehyung.

    "I'm telling you he doesn't. Take it or leave it." The older shrugs. "I'm his best friend, I know him."

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