f i f t y - f i v e

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    "How are you sure it's him?"

Jihyuk hands Jeongguk another photo of the same man, it's a mug shot with name Choi Doyoon. Laying down multiple photos of the same man with different names attached until he lays one down that says Nam Joohyuk.

"Are you sure?" Jeongguk asks again looking up at his brother.

    "Remember when I said I knew a guy?" Jeongguk nods as he continues to sift through the photos. "Well he got ahold of the contract for the company that moved Taehyung out of his apartment. The contract was signed off by Ahn Chiwon."

    "Okay?" Jeongguk asks.

    "So my guy found Ahn Chiwon, and this is him. Expect that's just one of the names he's gone by in the past seven years." Jihyuk says sitting down across from Jeongguk. "The reason this all has been taking so long is because we had to figure out which name was his birth name. Once we did we were able to track him down to this little town outside of the city~"

    "You found him?" Jeongguk exclaims. "Why didn't you just say that? Is Taehyung with him?"

    "Yes, Taehyung is with him~"

    "Oh my god." The ravenette says standing quickly. "I have to get him then."

    "Can you sit down for a second?" Jihyuk snaps in aggravation. "This is fucking important."

    "What?" Jeongguk asks sitting down, his leg bouncing anxiously.

    "There's a reason this guy keeps changing his name and moving around." Jihyuk says with a strange look on his face.

    "What?" Jeongguk repeats in confusion. "What is it, hyung?"

    "He's apart of the Ahn-Gwan family from Ulsan." Jihyuk says, the name instantly causing Jeongguk's gut to sink. "He's Ahn Chanwoo's only son."

Jeongguk sits back in his seat with a dreadful look in his eyes. The Ahn-Gwan family was one of the most powerful members of the mafia on the east coast— next to the Jeon family. If Ahn Chiwon wanted anything to do with Taehyung, it was because of him.

    "This is my fault." He says staring off in thought.

    "Gguk..." Jihyuk trails off, sighing as he stands and walks over to the counter. He grabs a photo from the stack on the counter before walking back over to Jeongguk. "Taehyung's pregnant."

Jeongguk looks down at the photo after Jihyuk sets it down. It's a picture of Taehyung walking down a driveway, undeniably pregnant as Joohyuk holds him by the arm.

    "I didn't know if you wanted to see the other photos." Jihyuk says gesturing to the counter. "They're pretty bad."

    "I want to see them." Jeongguk says holding his hand out for the pictures.

Jihyuk hands them over before standing back and falling silent.

Jeongguk's expression is unreadable as he looks at the pictures of Taehyung. His face and body is bruised in almost every photo, a blank look in his eyes. Despite the fullness of his face due to his pregnancy he looks smaller than Jeongguk remembers, more fragile. And the brown color in his hair was almost completely black.

    "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." Jeongguk says through clenched teeth when he lays eyes on a photo of Taehyung where his face is beat up worse than the others. His eye is swollen and his lip is busted as he sits on the steps of the house crying.

    "I can handle him if you want me to." Jihyuk says. "You don't even have to get involved."

    "I want the address." Jeongguk says standing up. "I want to do it myself."

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