f o u r t y - s e v e n

736 42 15

"Where's all this coming from?"

"I think it's a reasonable thing to ask about."

Joohyuk sighs as he pulls his shirt over his head, ignoring Taehyung as he searches for his shoes.

"Is there a reason why not?" Taehyung asks looking down at his hands from where he still sits in bed.

"I just don't know, Tae. It seems weird that they even want to meet me. Like, why? Y'know?" Joohyuk asks looking over at him. "Who are they?"

"My friends." Taehyung says looking up at Joohyuk. "We've been officially dating for two months now."

"Babe," The older sighs, sitting down on the bed. "I get that it's important to you, but I don't see the point. What, do you need permission from them to date me?"

"You're being an asshole." Taehyung says crossing his arms. "Why won't you just meet them if you know it's important to me?"

"Because I'm not doing anything I don't want to do just to make you happy." Joohyuk shrugs. "I'm sorry, babe, I just rather not."

Taehyung looks off with an aggravated expression, not saying a word in response.

"I'll make it up to you, okay?" Joohyuk smiles, tapping Taehyung's chin. "Don't be a brat."

"A brat?" Taehyung asks narrowing his eyes.

"Here we go." Joohyuk sighs rolling his eyes before Taehyung continues.

"I'm sorry if wanting you to meet my friends makes me a brat, Joohyuk, but they're important to me~"

"No, you thinking I'm going to jump and do every little thing you ask me to makes you a fucking brat." Joohyuk says moving to the edge of the bed to pull his shoes on. "Just drop it, it's annoying at this point."

"Am I annoying?"

"Is that what I said?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes again, getting out of the bed before pulling on some pajama pants. "I have to get the twins ready to go to Jeongguk's."

"I'm gonna go."


"Hey." Joohyuk says stopping him before he walks out of the room. Standing and walking over to him before taking both his hands. "Don't be mad at me, Tae. That's not fair."

"I just don't~"

"You don't have to understand. It's still my decision." Joohyuk says kissing him on the forehead. "I'll see you later, maybe we can hang out tonight since your ex will have the kids."

"His name is Jeongguk." Taehyung says but Joohyuk is already walking out of the room.

"See you later, babe." He calls before Taehyung hears the front door open.

The brunette rolls his eyes as he goes to get the boys ready. He thought it was so stupid that Joohyuk didn't want to meet his friends. Especially when it was clearly so important to him.

He forces himself not to dwell on it as he wakes the boys. If Joohyuk didn't want to meet his friends he couldn't force him.

"Tae, it's me!" Jeongguk's voice calls after the front door opens.

"Almost finished!" Taehyung calls back as he ties Jaehyung's shoe. The baby still fast asleep as he lifts him to carry him out to Jeongguk.

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