s e v e n t y - e i g h t

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Taehyung watches Jeongguk's chest rise and fall slowly, just as he has for the past three days. Watching and waiting for something, anything to happen. For his hand to move, for his lips to twitch, for his eyes to open...

It felt useless watching machines filter his blood and pump clean air directly into his lungs. These machines were the only thing keeping him alive, but he couldn't use these machines forever. If he couldn't breathe on his own then he couldn't live, it's that simple.

Yet as each day creeps by Taehyung can't help but watch him at every waking moment. Or at least when he isn't being forced by Dr. Song to stay in bed and let himself heal.

Seokjin told him that he couldn't neglect himself or the baby, but he wasn't. If the baby was hungry, he fed the baby. If the baby wanted to be held, he held the baby. If the baby needed to be changed, he changed the baby. He was doing everything he was supposed to.

He couldn't help if he was preoccupied. He couldn't help that the man he loved was lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life.

He's sitting by Jeongguk's bed in his wheelchair when Jihyuk walks in, tapping lightly on the open door as he walks inside. It's the first time anyone's been here in the last few day's besides him and Jeongguk's mother.

Taehyung looks away after seeing who it is. "I didn't think you were coming."

"Yeah, I had some stuff to figure out." Jihyuk says walking over and standing beside him. "He's been out since his surgery?"

"Mhm..." Taehyung says, swallowing the lump in his throat at the thought of more time passing by. Today would make four days if he didn't wake up. The doctors could only do so much after the three day mark.

Jihyuk sighs as he looks at his brother. "It's been over three days then..."

"His heart's still beating." Taehyung says. "Let's not speak anything into existence."

"We don't have to speak it into existence, it's happening." Jihyuk says as he takes a seat in one of the chairs beside the bed.

Taehyung doesn't respond, looking down as he forces himself not to cry. "He's going to wake up."

Silence falls between them, the only sounds in the room being the machines keeping Jeongguk alive and his heart monitor.

"I'm back, Taehyung~" Mrs. Jeon says walking into the room, stopping short when she sees Jihyuk. "Oh...I didn't expect you to be here."

"Why wouldn't I be here?" Jihyuk asks with an annoyed expression. "He's my brother."

Mrs. Jeon cuts her eye at Jihyuk as she walks over to Jeongguk's bedside. Placing the palm of her hand gently on his forehead as she looks his face over. "Where were you, Jihyuk? When this happened to him?"

"Why?" Jihyuk asks narrowing his eyes.

"You were close enough to get there in time to call the police, yet far enough away for this to happen." Mrs. Jeon says turning to him. "What'd you do to my son?"

"Are you fucking serious?" Jihyuk asks standing up with a furious crease between his eyebrows. "You think I had anything to do with this?"

"If you did you need to tell me, now." Mrs. Jeon says, her face is expressionless but the tears shining in her eyes expose her true feelings. "Did you do this?"

"No, I didn't. And I can't even believe you think I'd do this kind of shit!" Jihyuk snaps. "Are you insane?"

"Please, stop." Taehyung says closing his eyes. "Now's not the time."

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