s i x t y - f o u r

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    "Jimin, stop!"

Jimin ignores Chiwon as he rushes out of the large mansion-like house. He knew when he first showed up that the vibes were all off.

    "Come on, Jimin. Seriously?" Chiwon says jogging to catch up with him. Grabbing him by the arm when he's close enough.

    "No." Jimin says snatching away. He turns to him, pointing with an angry expression. "You said it had nothing to do with them!"

    "I said it had nothing to do with Taehyung." The older says pushing Jimin's hand out of his face.

    "I'm not doing this." Jimin says walking away. "This is insane."

"You already agreed~"

"I'm not helping you set up my friend~"

"Jeongguk doesn't give a shit about you, Jimin. He never has." Chiwon says stopping and crossing his arms. He watches Jimin come to a stop after him before continuing. "You weren't anything more than a distraction when you were with him. Just like you were with Namjoon. Except both of them moved on and forgot about you~"

"You don't know shit, Chiwon." Jimin says turning to the other with angry eyes.

"I know that you'll always end up alone at the end of the day." Chiwon says. "Because no matter who you're with they'll always pick someone else over you."

"You think saying this is going to make me help you?" Jimin asks narrowing his eyes.

"I think saying this will make you realize you have nothing else to lose. Because you've already been forgotten by the people you're trying to protect." Chiwon shrugs, sighing heavily with a sorry look on his face. "No one cares about you anymore, Jimin. They've all gotten over your bullshit, if you haven't noticed. That's why no one calls, no one invites you to things~"

"You don't know shit." Jimin says weakly.

"I know all your so-called friends meet up every Wednesday and they never invite you." Chiwon continues when he sees he strikes a nerve. "It may be petty. You've probably told yourself it's because you're all adults and there's just not time to hang out like before...but really it's just because they don't want you around. Because they don't care about you."

Jimin glances off to try and hide the tears forming in his eyes. Did his friends really not care about him anymore?

"And I'm sure it makes you wonder if they ever have, I mean think about it, really." Chiwon chuckles. "You were only ever really included because you were Namjoon's distraction from Taehyung, right?"

Jimin shakes his head even though it's true. He didn't know how all of this was supposed to make him agree to setting Jeongguk up. "I don't get what you want from me, Chiwon." He says looking down as he wipes his tears.

"You know what I want from you." The older says. He uncrosses his arms and takes Jimin's face in his hands, thumbing away his tears. His touch his oddly gentle compared to his words. "Go home, think about it. Call me in the morning."

Jimin pushes Chiwon's hands away as he turns to leave. He didn't know what to think or what to believe. Chiwon's words are on repeat in his head the entire drive home.

His friends didn't care about him...Jeongguk didn't care about him.

So what did he really have to lose?

~Wednesday morning...~

    "Since when do you even get along with Hoseok and Yoongi?"

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