e i g h t y - n i n e

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I love you, see you at home.

Taehyung crumbles the note in his hand, tossing it in the bin as he walks out of his room. He takes the elevator down with his bags, dropping his key off at the front desk. It was too early and too cold for anyone to want to be outside right now, but Taehyung had no choice. He needed to get back to Korea for the kids.

He's on autopilot the whole morning, his body moving on its own through the airport and onto his flight. He was exhausted, and quite honestly still drunk on all the emotions from last night. It felt like a distant memory, if someone told him it wasn't real he'd believe them.

The entire twelve hour flight home Taehyung's thoughts are going haywire. He didn't know where he and Jeongguk stood as of now. He didn't know if Jeongguk was pissed at him. He didn't know if they could move passed this.

He didn't know if they could just move on from all of this. Would he be able to look at Jeongguk the same now?

So much has changed in each of their lives since they first met. Taehyung thought he had seen every side of Jeongguk but he thought wrong, he hadn't. He's never seen the side of Jeongguk that killed a person without so much as a second thought. That Jeongguk, he's never seen that Jeongguk.

Deep down inside he wanted to be afraid. He wanted to distance himself from Jeongguk and he wanted to distance the kids. If he killed a person once, who's to say he won't do it again?

But the emotions he was feeling closer to the surface drowned his fear out almost completely. He was hurt, sad, angry, and a lot of other things. But that didn't change the fact that he loved Jeongguk. He was in love with him and he felt wrong about it. He felt like he shouldn't love someone like him, but he did.

Last night it felt like nothing mattered but them. They didn't care about their argument, and they didn't care about any other problems hovering around them either. Just about each other. And Taehyung didn't want to burst that bubble and return to reality. He wanted to live in that bubble with Jeongguk forever. But that wasn't realistic.

He had to face reality head on, whether he wanted to or not.

~Jeongguk and Taehyung's house...~

Taehyung pulls into the driveway at around eight that night, exhausted and completely drained from the trip. He sits in his car for a while, trying to put on a brave face to hide the fact that he didn't want to be here.

When he finally does get out of the car he leaves his bags in the trunk, only carrying his wallet and phone inside with his keys.

When he gets inside he finds Jeongguk in the living room putting the kids toys into the toy box. The ravenette doesn't look up from where he's kneeling, tossing the toys carelessly into the box.

    "Hey," Taehyung says, knowing if he didn't say something first nothing would be said at all.

    "Hey," Jeongguk responds, he doesn't sound angry, just distant.

    "The kids are down?" The brunette asks even though it was obvious that they were. He didn't know what else to say.

    "Yeah." Jeongguk sighs, pushing the toy box under the coffee table so it's out of the way. "What?" He asks when Taehyung continues to stand there without saying anything.

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