Fake Enemies | Anxceit

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summary: virgil and janus decide to keep their relationship secret, instead opting to be lovers in the sheets and enemies in the streets

word count: 820

for all the anxceit shippers that were sad that i didn't ship them/write anything for them, congratulations, my brain has finally clicked into place :)) (also this one is a lot more about how they came to be not enemies and it's not very long but if y'all want, i could try writing some anxceit fluff :))

tw/cw// some cussing, creepy teacher, mentions of threats, crying


Virgil rolled his eyes as Janus ranted on about reptiles, trying to appear as if he couldn't care less about a word the boy said. Honestly, Virgil was barely even paying attention anyways. As Janus went on his long rant about reptiles, Virgil was far too distracted with Janus's body language. Not just the cliche "eyes glowing" detail, but just how he'd move about excitedly, the slightest hint of a smile on his face, the way he'd laugh ever so slightly when when he got to share a really exciting fact, and the way he'd shake his hands or bounce a little in his seat just thinking of all the different species that fall under the reptile group.

When the two had first met, they'd both been extremely closed off and defensive, getting irritated by each other's presence without so much as a word. After meeting Patton and the others, both boys slowly softened and opened up but were still sensitive and touchy around each other. That was until one day, when Virgil had to stay after school since his parents would be late.


Virgil walked around the school, hoping he wouldn't get caught and thrown out of the building into the rain. He froze as heard a noise of someone sobbing down one of the hallways. Virgil swallowed down his nerves and cautiously followed the sound, having heard way too many ghost and kidnapping stories that involve someone following a crying sound. He froze when he saw Janus sitting on the ground, leaning against a locker, sobbing into his knees and pulling them closer to his chest. Virgil thought for a moment, watching the boy sympathetically. On one hand, he could leave him (since he's been nothing but a dick since the day they'd met) or he could attempt to help him (and potentially risk Janus being a dick again); he decided to go with the latter.

Virgil slowly approached the boy and knelt beside him. "You okay?" He spoke softly, Janus's sobbing seemed to hitch, all that was left was a few hiccuping breaths. Virgil looked down then back up at Janus. "Do you want to talk about why you're crying to yourself on the school floors after hours?" Janus sniffled and lifted his head, opting for staring at the ground instead of looking at Virgil. "It's nothing, I deserved it, right? After all, I was the one egging him on." Virgil furrowed his eyebrows. "Janus, whatever it is, I'm sure you didn't deserve it. Who are you talking about? What did he do?"

Janus bit the side of his cheek before meekly replying, "Mr. Stone. I noticed he was acting weird around one of the girls in my class. She looked uncomfortable so I told her that her parents were waiting to pick her up outside. He got upset with me, he trapped me into one of the desks. I-I tried to argue back, but I w-was trapped, he said s-so many things and I didn't know what-" Janus broke down into cobs once more, burying his face into his arms and knees again. Virgil thickly swallowed. "Janus, did he try to..." Janus calmed himself a bit and looked up, shaking his head. "No, not that. He threatened me, my family, my diploma, my friends, everything. I know he has the power to take it all away so I didn't try to fight him. I've been out here since he left."

Virgil sat against the locker beside Janus and gently wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "We'll get him to leave you alone, I promise. You didn't deserve any of that, you did the right thing and I'm so proud of you for handling it so well."


After that day, Virgil spent a lot more time around Janus to protect him from Mr. Stone and plan out various ways to find proof to get the teacher fired. They didn't have to do much work though since Mr. Stone quit and moved town shortly after his encounter with Janus. By then, Virgil had become so used to hanging around Janus that nothing really changed.

They still kept up the hateful act in front of their friends since they didn't feel like explaining why they'd gotten so close. But as soon as they'd get home, they were two smiling idiots video chatting for hours, texting each other until one of them fell asleep, sneaking into each others rooms and holding the other close enough to become one.

So while Virgil insulted Janus's obsession with reptiles, and Janus insulted Virgil's obsession with emo culture, they both knew it wasn't serious. They both knew they loved each other to the moon and back. They both knew that after school, at Janus's house where they'd be snuggling, they'd exchange sweet and loving words that held the truth and leave all fake insults behind them. And that was all they needed.


this was AMAZING to write, it's been so hard for me to visualize anxceit for some reason and it was making me frustrated bc people were making really cute fan art and fanfics and cosplays and i'm over here sad bc i can't see it but today something just clicked and i saw this prompt and i just KNEW it had to be anxceit, i feel like i unlocked a bonus level or something dhfjdksk okay hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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