I Won't Say I'm In Love | Prinxiety (Background Logicality)

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summary: virgil is scared to admit his feelings to roman bc he's been hurt before

word count: 704

edit: i edited this just now, why did no one tell me how bad of a writer i was? especially with all the side notes, it was extremely annoying

tw// someone gets punched in the face, that's all :))


"Patton, what's wrong? You look like you will explode at any given moment, figuratively speaking." Logan asked. Patton squealed, "Virgil loves Roman!" Virgil rolled his eyes. "No I don't. I can't believe you want me to be so worked up about some guy. Saying I love him would mean I'd be hopelessly devoting myself to him and I swore I'd never do that again. Not after the other one."

Patton sighed, "But this one's different. He's honest and he's sweet-"

He scoffed, "Please."

"He would never do anything to hurt you."

"He's a guy."

"Virge, I see how you look at him. Admit it, you're in loooooove!" Patton smiled. "Virgil, I believe I would have a more satisfactory evening if you just agree with Patton. Or tell Roman instead. Anything that will get Patton to stop his incessant squealing."

Virgil shook his head, "No, I won't say I'm in love. I'm sorry guys but I'm not gonna say something that'll hurt me in the end. Roman doesn't like me, he never will. You are just wasting your time."

Roman perked up at the sound of his name. He quietly crept down the stairs, peeking through the handrail seeing an argument between the other two sides and his crush. He knew he should leave but he couldn't help but wonder why his name was brought into the conversation.

Logan sighed and put down his book, "Virgil, you know by now that feelings are not my strong suit. However, I do believe Patton is right. Roman is nothing like Janus, I trust you know this. My theory is that you are aware of the differences between the two but your heightened anxiety keeps you from confronting the fear that he could deceive you just as easily as Janus did. So, rather than allowing yourself to believe it could work out perfectly, you are hiding behind the fear, letting it control you."

"Logan, I know you're right. But it's just not that simple. You don't know what it's like to have a crush on someone like Roman. It's not easy to just tell them straight up that you love them-"

"Yes it is. Watch. Patton. I am in love with you. As much as I had hoped this practiced speech was a bit more personal, I am trying to make a point to Virgil. So, will you out go out with me?" Patton grinned, "Are you serious? No jokes?" Logan shook his head. Patton screamed and jumped onto the logical side, giving him a hug that nearly suffocated him. Once Patton calmed down, Logan cleared his throat, still blushing. "See, Virgil? N-No excuses any-ahem, anymore."


'Breath, Virgil. This is Princey. He's nice. If he rejects you, he'll let you down easy. It'll be fine.'

'C'mon, Roman. Get yourself together. Virgil is on the other side of that door. Just knock. Once you see his adorable face and hear his sarcastic comebacks you won't be as nervous. It'll be fine.'

It wasn't fine. Roman was so nervous that he knocked at full strength and Virgil just so happened to open the door at the same time. So he fell to the floor in pain, Roman rushed to get him an ice pack but was only left with frozen fruit. Which led them to the kitchen with Roman mentally scolding himself at the sight of a hurt Virgil clutching the fruit to his face. "I'm really sorry, Virge. I didn't mean to hurt you." Virgil smiled, "That's the tenth apology you've given me within the past two minutes. I told you before, it's okay, Roman. This kinda reminds me of that prank you meant for Logan but you accidentally set it on me. Do you remember that day, Sir Sings A Lot?"

Roman had been so nervous about talking to Virgil that as soon as Virgil wanted him to speak, he didn't have anything else on his mind. His heart was beating in his ears, he felt like his insides were about to be his outsides, he felt like crying, laughing, and shouting all at the same time. So, before he could fully think through his response, it came out, like word vomit, "I'm in love with you."


long story short, they admit their love for each other, logan and patton high five, and thomas is eating white chocolate raspberry gelato :)) love you all, hope you all enjoyed, stay safe, buh bye!


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