Hard, Then Sticky

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summary: patton tells a riddle. remus, and the other sides, have the wrong idea.

word count: 31

i dyed and cut my hair AGAIN what're you gonna do about it?? :)

tw// implied no-no joke (not intended by patt tho)


Patton: What goes in dry and hard and comes out soft and sticky?

Remus: ...A PE-

Roman: *tackles Remus*

Patton: That's right, kiddo, a piece of gum!

The other sides: ...


i saw this on my friend's story and my heart stopped for a second. also this book officially has more parts than my other oneshots book and almost as many views, should i do something for 4K?? we'll see :)) well, hope you kiddos enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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