Wayside Vs. Riverside Pt. 2 | Logicality/Prinxiety/Demus

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summary: takes place after the first one, maybe love can blossom from a football game

word count: 1466

i added a lil bonus at the end so plz enjoy :3

tw// none really :))


After the game, Remus went to his car, he had hoped to see more of Janus throughout the game but had no such luck. Just as he was about to enter his car, someone called his name. It was hard to decipher who it was, it was midnight and everyone in the stands were now heading to their cars.

The person got closer and Remus realized it was just Patton and Roman. "Hey, can you drive us home?" He rolled his eyes, "Don't you guys have a bus?" They shrugged. "Well, yeah, but you're already here so I'd rather ride with you than wake up Mom and Ma." Remus snorted. "What do you care? You always-" Remus looked between Roman and Patton and sighed. "You don't want to ask them if he can stay over, do you?" "Nope." Roman replied with a pop.

"Fine, just don't mention all my trash." "Aw, Re, I've been doing that since you were born." Roman replied then dragged Patton to the trunk to unload their duffle bags.

"Hey, Remus, right?" I go to one game and all of a sudden everyone knows my name. Remus thought, he just wanted to go home and sleep, maybe dream about Janus.

He turned and saw, speak of the devil, Janus with two other boys, one wearing an olive green shirt with 'Wayside ROTC' on the sleeve, the other wearing a dry-fit shirt with 'Wayside Band' printed on the front.

Remus nodded, not really knowing what else to say. Janus smiled. "I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out tomorrow? Just with some friends so it's nothing too big but-" Janus trailed off as Remus nodded excitedly, both boys left with wide smiles.

"Virgil, that is impossible, one cannot "yeet" someone across the Great Wall of China. Even if you could, it would be illogical and ill-advised, someone would be bound to get hurt." Virgil rolled his eyes, "Duh, that's the point, nerd." Logan sighed and looked at Janus, still talking to the boy he met earlier. He looked a little off to the side and saw two people going through the boy's trunk.

Logan nudged Virgil and gestured to the two people. "Do you think Jan's boyfriend is being robbed?" Virgil asked. A car passed by and a light shone on the two "thieves", only then did Virgil and Logan realize it was the quarterback and the cheerleader they saw earlier, because they both have terrible night vision and couldn't recognize them at first.

Virgil's eyes widened and he turned to Logan, "I'll do it if you do." Logan took in a deep breath and nodded, Virgil following as he made his way to Roman and Patton.

"Well, you never know, kiddo. Sometimes the universe has a strange way of finding you a boyf-" Logan cleared his throat, Patton and Roman turned to face them and noticeably lightened up. "Hello, I'm Logan, this is Virgil. We saw you guys earlier and, if you wouldn't mind-"

Virgil cut him off. "Would you wanna hang out tomorrow? Our friend is going to pick up your friend, we can give you guys a ride too." Virgil suggested with a questioning tone. Roman forced himself not to squeal in excitement, he knew Patton was doing the same. "Yeah, sounds good. He's my brother and Patton's staying the night so we'll all be at the same address."

Virgil smirked, "Cool. See you tomorrow, Romano." Logan gave Patton a small nod and a smile, then followed Janus and Virgil to their own car. Once they got in, they all had blushes on their faces but didn't say anything, driving off to their houses.

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