Patton Bear | Slight Logince

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summary: logan has a teddy bear named patton that he sleeps with. his best friend, roman, finds out about it while they have a sleepover.

word count: 494

this is based on the drawings by @//scubastranaut on insta, they're really precious :) also if it helps, they're meant to be middle schoolers here :)

tw// the only thing i can think of is roman obnoxiously cleaning his braces bc he's gross like that :))


Logan and Roman raced each other up the stairs to Logan's bedroom and fought over the game controller. "Roman, it's my house, so I should get player one!" "Well I'm your guest, so I should get player one!" "Logan, let Roman have player one!" Logan rolled his eyes at his mom's comment and let go of the controller, sending Roman tumbling. He snorted and grabbed the second controller, sitting on the floor next to Roman.

"So what are we playing today? Zelda? Mario?" Logan hummed. "Brain Age?" Roman sat comfortably next to Logan and glared at him. "Ugh, how dare you?" Logan laughed and shrugged. "I don't really mind, you're the one that wanted to play something." Roman laid flat on the ground, thinking of all the games Logan had. "Mortal Kombat, Super Smash, Guitar Hero..." He trailed off and furrowed his eyebrows as he spotted a gleam coming from the closet. He turned and slowly rose to his feet.

"Logan, what's that?" Logan leaned over to see his closet from around his bed. His eyes widened and he rushed over to his closet, shutting the door. "It's nothing, let's just play Wii Sports." Roman smirked and got closer to the boy. "What's in there, Lolo?" Logan blushed but didn't budge. "I-I can't take you seriously with your stupid braces." Roman grinned. "What, these braces? You claimed to love them. You said they gave me character." Roman leaned in closer, causing Logan to panic. He completely forgot about his closest and moved away from Roman.

"Well that was easy." Logan winced as the door squeaked open. Roman flipped the light switch and gasped. "Oh my gosh! This is so cute!" Roman dropped to the ground and admired the soft teddy bear. He wore a blue polo with a grey cardigan wrapped around his shoulders, glasses resting on his snout. "See? This is why I didn't want to show you, it's childish and stupid." Logan whined.

Roman smiled and walked over to his friend. "It's not stupid. I do have one question, though." Logan sighed, signaling Roman to continue. "Do you sleep with it? Like cuddle and everything?" Logan glared at him with no real emotion behind it. "His name is Patton and yes." He mumbled. Roman squealed.


Roman cleaned his braces in the mirror while Logan rubbed his forehead. "So did you-" Roman coughed, choking on the water in his mouth. Logan made a face of disgust. "Did you name him after someone?" "Could you please close your mouth? It's really gross for you to be doing that while talking." Roman rinsed then turned around. "Well? Did you?" Logan sighed. "No, I just thought Patton suited him well."

Both boys made their way to the bed, Logan immediately ducking under the covers while Roman headed to the closet. Roman gently laid the bear next to Logan and smiled as he immediately cuddled into it. "So cute." He whispered before turning the lights off.


all of my writing that was prewritten sucks, i might just delete all of them :(( this is the only one i genuinely liked so yeah :)) hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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