Amusement Park Trouble

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summary: virgil, patton, logan, and roman go to an amusement park together. the day doesn't go quite as planned

word count: 1420

this was entirely based off this day i hung out with my friend that sucked, so you can clearly see why :))

tw// transphobia, almost panic attack (?), allergic reaction, sad patton


"C'mon, Virge! We have to get on before the line gets too long!" Patton cried, persistently pulling his older brother's arm. "Patt, hold on, we have to wait for Lo and Ro." He huffed and stood in place, glaring at his older brother who waited for his friends.

"Sorry for the wait, someone was arguing with the salesclerk so we had to move on to someone else." Roman rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry but he was being particularly rude and forceful. I wasn't going to just stand there and take it." Logan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, but Roman you are a 12-year-old under my care, which means if you're annoying him, he'll start a fight with me." Roman scoffed, "You could've taken him, he was about Virgil's age, nothing compared to you." Logan shook his head, "Roman, he was closer to my age and he was stronger than me. If anything, I'd be-"

Patton tugged on Virgil's sleeve once more, causing the older boy to groan, "Guys, come on, Patt wants to get on the rides already." They both sighed and followed Patton as he ran excitedly to the first ride.


"I wanna go on that one! It's the brand new ride and it looks so fun!" Patton bounced excitedly. Logan winced, "I don't think we can go on that one right now, buddy." Patton turned to him, confused, "What do you mean? We can ride it." Virgil sighed, "No, Patt. He means the line's too long. We would be in that line for an hour for a ride that's only a minute long." Patton looked up at the older boys then back to the ride but nodded anyway.

"Well, can we go another ride? I really want to ride everything before we have to go." Logan looked around, every line was ridiculously long. He ran a stressed hand through his hair, "I think we have to take a lunch break now." Patton pouted, "But I wanted to go on a ride! Please, Logie?" Logan looked down at Patton and shook his head. He looked around once more, he wished there was just one ride for the little boy to ride but his 6-year-old brain would've been tired before they even got on a ride.

Roman could tell his brother's sympathy for Patton was stressing him out so he quickly stepped in. "Fear not, my young prince, food is energy and energy allows us to slay the dragon-witch!" Patton giggled as Roman dramatically pointed at the Dragon-Witch's Fury ride

"Let's go eat some churros!" Patton cried happily. Roman lifted him onto his back and ran for the churro stand. Logan sighed and Virgil put a hand on his shoulder, "You don't have to stress over Patton. He's easily entertainable and distracted so you don't have to do everything he says." Logan smiled a little, "I just want to make sure he is happy. I don't know how Roman does it." Virgil rolled his eyes fondly. "Okay, let's go get our little brothers before they get us in trouble."


Roman shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he continually cleared his throat. "Roman, are you okay?" Virgil asked. He nodded and coughed once more. His breathing became more labored and Logan looked at his brother worriedly. "Virgil, what percentage of fruit in his drink?" Virgil grabbed Roman's soda and looked at the ingredients. "Um, there is 4% mango, 2% strawberries, 8% coconut-" Logan cursed under his breath as he began to search his backpack. "I-Is Roman allergic to coconut?" Roman coughed and took quick, harsh breaths, "L-Lo, I-I think I f-forgot my Ep-pipen." Logan shook his head and continued his search. Once he caught sight of it, he sighed and quickly grabbed the Epipen, "Unfortunately, Virgil, yes he's allergic to coconut." He pulled the cap from the Epipen and stabbed it into his brother's thigh.

"Is RoRo gonna be okay?" Patton asked worriedly. Logan nodded as Roman gasped and began to breathe normally. "You suck at helping, Logan. You are supposed to administer a shot not create a hole in my leg." Logan rolled his eyes. "Apologies, you can usually take care of these things by yourself." Roman shudders, still in shock from believing he's gonna die. "Here you go, RoRo. It's water, no coconuts." Patton said, holding a cup to Roman's face. The older boy turned to him and smiled a little. "Th-Thank you, Pat." He stuttered out gratefully.


"I can't believe we've been waiting for 20 minutes and we're only halfway there." Virgil complained. "Nobody asked you, tranny." A guy half of Virgil's size grumbled in front of them. "Excuse you, Burger King, we weren't talking to you." Roman called out. Logan quickly grabbed his brother and hid him behind his back. If this guy was already twice Virgil's size, you can bet he was three times Roman's size. And that was not an experience he was willing to go through with his younger brother.

The guy turned around and glared at Logan, "You wanna go, nerd?" His friend smirked and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I apologize about my brother, he tends to pick fights with a lot of people but he's only 12. We can just forget about this whole thing-" Roman squirmed out of Logan's grip, "No! He insulted Virgil, he wants to fight, we have to fight him, Lo!" Virgil sighed and grabbed Roman by his shoulders.

He brought the younger boy to the side, away from Logan and the Jerk™. "Roman, thank you for trying to protect me but please stop. This guy isn't like your friends at school, he's bigger than Logan. If you keep provoking him, he's not going to go after you, he'll go after Logan. So let Logan handle it, please?" Roman looked into Virgil's glazed eyes and noticed the shakiness of his breath and hands. The 12-year-old nodded, "Okay, I'm sorry, Virge." He smiled a little and walked back to the line.

The Jerk™ was now minding his own business and Logan had a satisfied smirk on his face. Patton was giggling into his hands causing Virgil to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "What happened here?" Patton looked at Logan then looked back at his older brother, "Nothing, Lo is just my new favorite brother."


"Okay, Patton, one last ride and we're going home. Which one do you wanna ride?" Logan asked. Roman and Virgil were all tired out so Patton was the only one still excited to go on anything. "Hm, I don't know." The youngest hummed thoughtfully as he looked around at all the rides. He gasped and pointed to a big rollercoaster. "That one! I wanna go on that one. There's not even a long line, Lo! Let's go!" He began to run in the direction of the ride before Logan could react. "Patton, wait! Virgil, Roman, come on. Patton, get over here!" He ran after the boy and thankfully got him before he got completely lost in the figurative sea of people. "Sorry, I'll be more careful next time." Patton said sheepishly.

As they approached the front of the line, one of the workers motioned for them to move up. "Okay, buddy, come here so I can make sure you're tall enough, you cool with that?" Patton nodded. He left Logan's side and got closer to the fateful poster that determined whether or not he could ride. Unfortunately, he fell short by 2 inches. "I'm sorry, buddy, you can't ride. If you want, there are some rides in the kid's corner." Logan smiled at the worker gently, "Thank you, come on, Patton."

He led all three boys to a nearby bench. Virgil and Roman rested as soon as they sat down. Patton began to cry, tears flowing from both of his eyes at a constant rate. Logan wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs, "It's okay, Patton. In another year or two, you'll be tall enough for any ride you want, within reason." The younger boy sniffled, "You think so?" Logan smiled at the innocent and hopeful look on his face and nodded, "Of course. Now come on, the park's gonna close soon. And to make up for the ride, we'll get some ice cream on the way home, does that sound good?" Patton nodded. "Okay, wake up Snow White and Sleeping Beauty so we can leave." Logan smirked as Patton giggled and tapped Virgil and Roman on their noses until they woke up.


so, this was really long, i apologize, it was supposed to be shorter. hope you enjoyed!

for anyone wondering, the age gaps are: logan, 21, virgil, 16, roman, 12, patton, 6


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