You Are, How Do You Say, An Idiot | Logince

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summary: logan and roman are exchange students that clearly don't get along with each other, virgil gets stuck in the middle

word count: 180

okay so i read somewhere that in a lot of countries that aren't america, they teach the kids multiple languages as soon as they start school, especially in europe. so logan and roman can understand each other as well patton and virgil (who speak english) :)) (ALSO IM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO POST YESTERDAY)

tw// none :))


"Patton, please come quick, I need your help." Virgil immediately hung up, leaving a worried and confused Patton on the other side.


Patton finally reached Virgil's house and made his way inside. He followed the sounds of yelling up the stairs into Virgil's bedroom. "Cállate ya, robot!" "Tu te tais, demi-esprit!" "Nerd!" "Prep!"

Patton sighed and stood between Roman and Logan. Both were exchange students from Spain and France, respectively. Neither could speak English, save for a few words, but both could understand the language in addition to each other's. "Guys, just calm down. Apologize to each other." Patton told them. They turned to each other and rolled their eyes. "Sorry." They mumbled in unison

"Todavía no me gustas." Roman added. Logan looked at him, fuming at his comment, "Roman, on sort littéralement depuis 2 mois!" They began bickering again as Patton sighed. He sat next to Virgil on the bed and pulled him closer to cuddle. "They've been fighting ever since Roman said that Logan was too adorable to be taken seriously." Virgil groaned. Patton giggled in response.


sorry if the translations are bad, i used google translate. i tried fixing some of the spanish to make it less proper but i'm not that good at spanish :)) also i really didn't know what to title this so sorry :) hope you all enjoyed, stay safe, love you all, buh bye!!


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