Costume | Slight Royality

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summary: roman and patton aren't very close, but they're still within the same friend group. a halloween costume might change roman's opinion of the other boy.

word count: 559

times have been so stressful but fun recently, i'm so sorry for being busy and not posting dsjfhksj also, maybe listen to the edit audio of boom by doja cat, if you don't already know it. it'll serve a whole new effect for a part in this one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

tw/cw// nothing, it's just roman being a simp sdjjhfk


Roman and Patton were expected to get along. The two had kind and outgoing personalities, and they relatively liked the same things; it seemed apparent that they'd be best friends. However, they were practically strangers and avoided talking as much as possible. To Roman, it wasn't necessarily that they hated each other or fought often; they just didn't click as friends. 

But Roman wanted to make an effort to show Patton he could be a good friend since the kind-hearted boy seemed to have a relationship with everyone in their friend group except for Roman. So when Patton suggested dressing as pirates and royalty for Halloween, Roman instantly agreed and tried to start a conversation with the boy, forcing himself to act as if they were friends. 

"I thought half of us could be royalty and the other half can be pirates. Ooh! How about we split it down the middle of this table?" Everyone agreed, and, just as Roman hoped, he got to be a royal with Logan and Janus, leaving Patton, Virgil, and Remus to be pirates. The princely boy was fully prepared to be as extra as possible in his costume. 


Roman came into school on Halloween, wearing a black and red prince outfit with a beautiful silver crown atop his head. It, by no means, looked like a cheap outfit (despite Roman barely spending $20 on the entire ensemble), and it added a sense of regality to the usually clumsy and energetic teenager.

Logan decided on a simple black, long-sleeve, button-up shirt with a blue cape and a crown, while Janus wore an elegant black gown with yellow accents and yellow gloves. Together, they looked stunning, in Roman's opinion. 

For once, Remus's outfit was nice; he was wearing an off-white ruffled long-sleeve under a dark brown corset belt with high-waisted skinny dress pants. Virgil settled for a similar shirt, only black, tucked into black pants with his signature black eyeshadow surrounding his eyes. Roman supposed it was his way of participating without diverging too much from his daily outfit. 

As Roman idly scrolled through his Instagram feed, he glanced up at the entrance, nearly dropping his phone as Patton walked in. Despite the cliche, Roman felt as if time had slowed. His phone played the audio to a velocity edit, which he recognized as Boom by Doja Cat. Even though the audio played through Roman's AirPods, Patton seemed to perfectly hit every beat as he walked confidently with a bright smile.

The peppy boy was dressed in an oversized white dress shirt that was open to the third button, with a cardigan underneath and brown suspenders attached to form-fitting khakis, completing his outfit with brown boots and fluffed out curls.  

Patton approached the table, the smile never leaving his face, only growing upon seeing the rest of the group. "Wow, you all look amazing! Pi-rate you all ten out of ten." He exclaimed joyfully as he sat down. Logan scrunched up his face in disgust at the pun but decided not to comment on it. 

"Patton, you look..." Roman trailed off wordlessly. "I don't know what you're trying to say, but I'll take it as a compliment. Thank you, Roman," Patton chirped. Roman blushed and tried to force his attention back to his phone. 

'Maybe I'll have to get closer to this Patton kid.'


i wasn't sure how to continue this pfft fjshkfjsd anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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