Horror Critic | Platonic Prinxiety

140 4 11

summary: roman is a skeptic when it comes to horror movies, how far is virgil willing to let his criticism go?

word count: 423

just the thought of this one is beautiful, i would LOVE to see this play out. like when it happened in scream 4, it was brilliant but i would love to see it with male characters, mayhaps actors that look like roman and virgil?? idk, just a thought...

tw/cw// some cussing, weapon, blood, death, violence (murder) stay safe during spooky season, kiddos :))


Roman and Virgil sat beside each other, comfortable with each other's company. Instead of going to out to a big Halloween party, Roman decided to spend the night with Virgil. Roman wasn't the biggest horror movie fan, in his opinion, all horror movies were dumb because they were unrealistic, predictable. Virgil, on the other hand, enjoyed horror movies. Since Roman wanted Virgil to feel comfortable, he sat through the movies, no matter how ridiculous he thought they were.

In the movie that was currently playing, some girl got murdered, just like the 20 other victims in the past movies. Roman rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh, Virgil turned his attention from the screen to Roman. "What?" Roman let out a small scoff. "It's just so ridiculous, she easily could've run out the door while the killer was distracted. But she decided to stay there, and now she's dead. I'm willing to bet the killer will be some cliche like her boyfriend, right?" Right after Roman spoke, the movie screen panned up to reveal the killer was, in fact, her boyfriend.

Roman gave Virgil a pointed look, gesturing at the T.V. Virgil huffed, looking back at the movie and keeping his gaze there. "It's realistic. Why would a complete stranger want to kill her specifically? He went through all of the trouble to chase after her and stalk her, it wouldn't make sense if there wasn't already a strong motive, a connection."

Roman shook his head, "Yeah, but that's why these movies are all bullshit. They're annoying, repetitive, predictable-" Virgil grabbed the knife from the coffee table, left there after he and Roman had shared a cake, and roughly stabbed it into Roman's abdomen. Roman let out a choked gasp, blood pooling around his sweater and rising up his throat. He stared at Virgil with a shocked, pleading face. Virgil stared back with a cold glare. "Was that predictable enough for you?"

Blood trickled down Roman's chin, tears pooling in his eyes. Virgil twisted the knife and dug it deeper into Roman's abdomen, resulting a strained cry from the dying boy. "Do you know how exhausting it is to be around you? I didn't ask you to be here, Roman. Now, shut the fuck up and let me watch my movie." Virgil pulled away, yanking the knife out of his friend, and he pressed the play button on the remote.

Roman's vision blurred, his body had gone numb moments ago, his head fell against the back of the couch as his eyes closed.


kristen bell's character in scream 4 is so iconic, i would gladly let her murder me fhfhdksl also, i'm sorry this is so short!! my professor really stacked up work this week with a long chapter and extra credit :(( but i can promise i am trying to come up with something great for the hallowed holiday ;) anyways, hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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