Skate Into My Heart | Prinxiety

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summary: virgil spots the school nerd, roman prince, trying (and failing) to secretly watch the skaters at the skate park. virgil decides to help the boy.

word count: 511

idk what this is, i was just thinking about skater virge and nerd roman, and i just thought, "yes" :))

tw/cw// overbearing mom, that's it :)


Virgil ran a hand through his hair and looked around the skate park, his eyes landing on a nerdy boy watching the skaters from a nearby tree. He recognized the boy as Roman Prince, also known as the social pariah in school. 

It wasn't necessarily anything that he did, from what Virgil could tell, but more what his mother was like. She was known around the community for being a Karen; she frequently complained at stores, she acted as though she were the most entitled person ever, and she was very overprotective of her son. He was never allowed to leave the house as a kid, not even for school, and she was constantly spraying him with an anti-septic spray of some kind; the poor kid probably didn't have any privacy based on how she treated him in front of others.

Virgil felt bad for Roman, of course, but there was nothing he could do about it; he was nearly as unpopular as Roman was. The only reason he hadn't talked to him before was that Roman never usually went anywhere that would force him to be social, not even during school. But now Virgil found himself approaching the nerdy kid, who still hadn't noticed that Virgil had caught him.

"You're Roman, right?" Roman flinched and turned to Virgil, trying to explain himself. Virgil could see the nervousness swirling in the boy's eyes behind his red-rimmed glasses. "It's okay; I just noticed that you were staring. Do you want to try it out?" Virgil moved his skateboard a little in his hand to gesture to it.

Roman glanced down at the skateboard, and it almost seemed as if he was going to accept the offer before his watch beeped. He looked down at it and sighed. "I'm...I'm okay, thank you. I was just curious; I need to go now." Virgil watched the boy mount his bike and ride away from the park.


The next day, Virgil saw Roman at the same tree again, still trying to hide behind a tree. The skater approached the nerd again, greeting him just as the day before. The nerd barely flinched before he realized who was there. "Oh, sorry, I was just-" Virgil shook his head. "I already told you it was okay. You seem pretty interested in this side of the park." Roman smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, it's just that I never really did any of this growing up, and the commercials always made it look like so much fun."

Virgil chuckled. "Yeah, I guess commercials really love skate parks, huh? Well, once you get the hang of it, it is fun. You wanna try it? I know you said no yesterday, but there's no harm in asking again." Roman looked conflicted for a moment, "I don't want my mom freaking out if I get hurt; even just a scratch will make her put me back in an online school." Virgil shrugged. "Then I'll just have to make sure you don't get hurt, right?" Roman looked up at Virgil with an excited grin. "Okay."


resulting in...something. again, this is really not my field. (peep the community reference owo) anywho, prinxiety is so weird to write for some reason, hope you all enjoyed anyway, love you all, stay safe, buh bye! :)


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