The Goodbye Song | Logicality

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summary: patton breaks the news to logan and virgil after he recorded the video for roman and remus

word count: 650

part two of the goodbye song :)

tw// mentions of blood, mentions of lung cancer, crying, it's okay :,)


Patton turned off the camera and sighed. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down then glanced around the room. He spotted the painting Roman made of their whole family, he smiled sadly.

"Pat, I'm home!" Patton tensed at his husband's arrival. He slowly made his way down the stairs, seeing his husband in the kitchen, unloading the groceries. "How was your appointment? I was reading an article this morning. Maybe your cough could just be the cause of allergies. I grabbed some tea at the store so you could drink it before bed every night." Logan finally looked up from the organic tea leaves in his hand to see Patton with red, puffy eyes. "Logie, it's not just a cough. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I was scared about what the blood meant, I didn't want you freaking out-"

Logan cut him off nervously, "Patton, what is it?" Patton scrunched his cardigan in his hand, "It's lung cancer." Logan dropped the box and stared at Patton as tears welled up. "L-Lung cancer? But that's impossible, Patton, you don't smoke, you're healthy! You're a good person, why? This is wrong, you don't deserve this-" Logan covered his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut. Patton moved to the man and hugged him tightly, "It's okay, Logan. I don't want to spend however long I have left being sad. I want to enjoy my time with you and the boys." Logan hugged him just as tightly.

Logan looked up and saw a picture of him and Patton in middle school next to a picture of them a year ago with Roman and Remus. He needed to be strong for Patton, for Roman and Remus, for himself.


Roman and Remus were picked up by their uncle, Virgil, that day. He was usually a fairly good driver but that day it seemed like all his training had been thrown out of the window. To be fair, Virgil was only 16 and had barely gotten his license a few months ago. However, the reason his driving wasn't so great was due to his terrible anxiety and thoughts of why his brother couldn't pick up his sons. The twins' seemingly neverending argument wasn't helping a great deal either.

"Virgil, why couldn't Dad pick us up today?" Remus questioned. Virgil bounced his leg as he waited for the light to turn green, "I-I don't know. Your parents just told me to pick you up today, they didn't tell me why." The light finally turned green and Virgil cautiously drove. "Oh, Virgil, did you get an invitation for our play? We're having it on Tuesday! Remus and I are gonna be the leads!" Roman gave a toothy grin to Virgil in the rear view mirror as he held the invitation out.

Virgil smiled and took the paper once he was at a stop sign. "I'll be there, I promise." Once they were at the house, Roman and Remus rushed to drop off their bags before running to the backyard.

"Virgil, we need to tell you something." Logan said, looking down. Virgil shoved his shaky hands into his pockets and made his way over to the kitchen with him, seeing his brother looking down as well. "Virge, I have lung cancer." Patton said, Virgil felt like he couldn't breathe. "But we can fix it, right? Th-There's treatments, nothing has to happen to you, you'll be fine, right?"

Patton shook his head and hugged his baby brother, who held onto Patton as if he were a lifeline. "I don't know how long I have left but I don't want you to be sad. I just want to spend my time with you four, what do you think? Can we do that?" He pulled back and Virgil sniffled before nodding. "Okay, how about we all bake some cookies?" Logan and Virgil smiled and nodded.


i didn't do much research for this one bc i was lazy so i know there are some inaccuracies here and there, but hope y'all enjoyed anyways :), love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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