When I Get You Alone

233 5 2

summary: logan decides to let loose for one night with his friends, none of them realize just how loose logan gets.

word count: 232

ik the summary really sucks but i'm sorry there's like nothing i can say without it sounding cringey or having too much about the story :) (also plz check out the song, it's really cool)

tw// drinking (i'm not saying drinking is good, just wanted a fun lil story :))


"Come on, Logan! Just one time, no one's driving and I promise I'll cut you off before anything happens." Patton begged. Logan sighed but still nodded. The other men cheered and passed him a beer. "I don't want alcohol poisoning, Patton, please make sure-" Patton rolled his eyes and giggled. "I know, I know. Let loose a little, tonight is supposed to be fun!" Logan looked down at his cup and nodded before practically chugging his drink.


Logan giggled hysterically at nothing in particular, causing his friends to erupt in laughter. None of them were nearly as drunk as him, making his antics that much funnier. Logan's eyes widened and he gasped, "Can I sing my favorite song?" Thomas grinned and turned his karaoke machine on, handing the microphone to the drunk boy.

The group was confused to hear Beethoven's 5th symphony, while it was fitting for the boy, there were no lyrics for him to sing. Then a fast tempo beat began playing, everyone immediately recognizing the song 'When I Get You Alone'. Logan's flushed face mixed with his surprising vocal talents left the boys stunned. Throughout the song, he moved confidently and smoothly around the mini stage as if he had done this before. He shut his eyes as he held the last note, everyone in the room was mesmerized.

The song ended, cheers roared and Logan felt great.


i really like when everyone likes logan and he isn't a joke :))  this one was really half-effort and i'm sorry :/ but still, i hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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