Glasses Equal Smart?

878 18 22

summary: roman's intelligence is insulted by a teacher

word count: 263

yes, i changed the title, if any of you remember the original title, no you don't :D

tw// cursing, angry princey, :))


"Patton's group, who is best at math there?" Patton looked to the teacher then at his group. He replied with a wide smile on his face, "Virgil is the best one here." Logan and Roman nodded in agreement.

The teacher looked at Virgil and approached the group. "Okay, so you will be helping your group if they need any help, Virgil. I see you have glasses, it must mean you're smart. Same goes for the rest of you." He said, walking away back to his desk.

Roman furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he looks at his group members. Logan wears his thin rectangular glasses, Patton wears his rounder rectangle glasses, and Virgil wears his round circle glasses. Roman slams his fists on the table, "Virgil's glasses aren't even real! I-" He groaned. "Well fuck me right?! Guess I'm not smart. Bye guys, imma go join the younger kids now, guess I'm not smart enough to be in here. Tata, ttfn, see ya. Buh bye." He shouted as he stormed out the door to the lower level math class next door.

Logan rolled his eyes, "Dramatic. Virgil, I bet you $10 he'll drag this out for a few minutes."

Virgul smirked, "I bet you $10 he'll be back in 3...2...1."

The door opened, rather dramatically, and in stormed Roman in a jealous rage. He walked to his seat and slumped down, grumbling angrily. "I'm smart too."

Patton rubbed his back, consoling him. "Of course you are."

Virgil laughed as Logan shoved the $10 bill into Virgil's chest and went back to his work.


i was bored right now so i decided to write this. this actually happened today in my algebra class and (of course in true princey fashion) i exaggerated it for the story. you're welcome.


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