Imperfections | Logince

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summary: imperfections are how logan and roman fell in love, but also how they fell out of it.

word count: 430

ik this is shorter than my usual saturday posts but enjoy :)

tw// ig just sad bois :))


Logan felt his heart swell as the boy next to him rambled on about his favorite musicals. Roman could never focus on one thing for two long, nor could he stop talking. Both boys were terribly stubborn and determined, always debating about anything and everything. These little imperfections were why Logan realized he was in love with his best friend in the first place.

He adored how Roman would put his feet on the dashboard despite Logan's protests, how he'd put a spot of whipped cream on the other's nose while they drank hot cocoa, how every now and then Roman would get insecure and ask Logan if they were okay, just to be sure, Logan adored his ability to be vulnerable, he felt he would never get over it.

"Logan, were you even listening?" Logan smiled, "I'm sorry, dear, I was distracted." Roman playfully huffed and continued with his rant, Logan staring at him adoringly.


Logan and Roman smiled at each other as it was time for their wedding vows. "Roman, from the day I fell in love with you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I can't predict the future, I know I'm still scared for what might happen. We aren't perfect and it won't be easy but I wouldn't want to try this with anyone but you, I'm willing to fight for you, fight to be with you, forever."


Logan felt his anger build as the man next to him rambled on about Logan's flaws. Roman could never focus on one thing for two long, nor could he stop talking. Both boys were terribly stubborn and determined, always debating about anything and everything. These little imperfections were why Logan realized he was falling out of love with the man he married.

He grew annoyed with how Roman would put his feet on the dashboard despite Logan's protests, how he'd never take their arguments seriously, how every now and then Roman would get insecure and instead blame Logan for his own imperfections, Logan despised his ability to get to Logan where it hurt, where he was most insecure, he was done with it.

"Logan, why isn't this working?" Roman brokenly asked, Logan teared up at his own realization. "I'm sorry, Roman, I don't think we can work it out this time. We're done." Roman stifled a sob as Logan ran a hand through his hair, making his way to the door. The door slammed without another word, Logan quickly driving away from a heartbroken Roman.


okay so basically this thing said that flaws were the reasons why people fall in and out of love so i was like shjdksla i need to do something with logan. hope you enjoyed anyways, but wait there's more!

i made a book!! okay so the whole idea of this is it's a mystery, you can try to solve it as you read! people are being pranked with paint bombs and it's up to detective sanders to find out who

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i made a book!! okay so the whole idea of this is it's a mystery, you can try to solve it as you read! people are being pranked with paint bombs and it's up to detective sanders to find out who. he only has seven suspects, who is it? (brooooo i just realized that detective picture is the same one from american vandal 0_0) starting today i'm going to upload one chapter a day, the whole thing is super short and easy, i guarantee it isn't too much of a thinker :)) plz consider checking it out plzzzz :)

love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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